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A member registered Jun 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey! I noticed I'm not getting as much feedback. Please give me feedback if possible - I'd really appreciate it :)

(1 edit)

Hey everyone!

I'm currently working on a new update for my game called Slugger, which is v1.5.0.0, It is around 40-60% finished, still have a lot of work to do and I still need to completely rebalance everything, so expect it to be extremely unbalanced.

So I want people to playtest it, and compare it to the current version, v1.4.7.0, You can play that here:

Once you've played the current version, if you're willing to give it a playtest, just email me at "" and I will give you access to the newest snapshot of v1.5.0.0, which is snapshot 5.2024b.

As for feedback on the new update, I don't really mind as long as it's  not all positive and aims to criticize, but be constructive.

Anyway, please give the new update a playtest, you don't know how much it would help me :)

Oh... sorry, I understand. I guess I just wanted some feedback on my game, and to get it noticed, that's why I entered. Is it okay then if you could maybe give me some feedback, even just 2-3 things that I could maybe improve on in the game?

Hey everyone! Just a reminder - I need all the feedback I can get to help me keep improving the game, so ALL feedback would be greatly appreciated! ;)


I just don't understand why it matters that it was made before the jam :(

Why? What?! I've worked so hard on this game, what??!!! It was mainly made during the jam, I only uploaded it before because it was an engine that I had made to make games with, and I turned it into a bullet hell game. Why are you accusing me of this? :(

Dude thanks so much, I really appreciate your effort to give me the best feedback you can! I'm doing a massive update on it and will take everything you've said about my game in the comment, and in the video, into account! Thanks so much!

The reason that you have to click for each shot is because you need to use XP to enable autofire. Just decided to do that since it gives the player another thing to want to upgrade.

There is a skip button for the intro XD you didn't have to watch it lol

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback :)

Please give feedback I really need it :(

nice name ;)

I use Scratch 3 and TurboWarp :)

(1 edit)

This game is WIP, but still very playable. I would really love to hear some feedback! There is also a survey linked on the project that I highly recommend you do.
Slugger v1.4.7:

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