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A member registered Aug 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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i love the style, very unique

added some treasures, thanks for the idea!!

these are words of truth, i think some shiny treasures and basic items would be nice!

banger pack i love this

oh yeah! thanks a lot!

hi yes this is db-32, thanks for commenting, have a flower 🌷

thank you!!!

thanks a lot!!!

very nice, i love the perspective

pretty cool! maybe you want to add some info on license and how ppl can use it? like if its ok for commercial use etc.


faroooooooooooooogs!! they go rekekekeke i love them

mate this is way more extensive than i expected. the folklore beasts lookreally cool i think they all have custom pixelart, right? also there is tutorial, thirst and hunger systems? that seems like a complete extra, but makes the gameplay more engaging. also full mobile support! 🦧 the overworld works a bit sluggish on my device but i do have an older phone, would probably run smooth on a new or flagship model

i am actually gonma continue playing this, looking forward to 100%ing the bestiary

i come here every time i see this on my timeline. the various breeds and species are so well represented, this has got to be one of the most impressive asset packs on itch

yup, its a cool theme. and yeah i dont often draw with vibrant colors, i prefer palettes that are low saturation in general (DawnBringer’s 22 and 32, or Poisson or the like). AND i usually use a lot of gray and brown even in those palettes, so really low saturation

when drawing it i kind of thought about something between an ifrit, but not the traditional representation, and an imp. but really its not meant to be either, but just a fire elemental


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the logo truly is a masterpiece ;D

i said i will do something for the jam, so i posted my “submission” here

i really do think the theme of the jam is great and i think it might get some really cool submissions

that being said i cant really make a submission to the jam, which is because of something you wrote

The additional challenges are exactly/especially for you

i know you didnt mean it that way, but that kind of sounds like the theme of the jam is made in such a way that the results would be skewed in my favor. i know thats not actually what would happen, i dont expect i would win or anything, but the way you put it sounds like that, and so i decided not to submit

you started these jams around the time that i started to learn pixel art, and ive taken part i think in most of them. they were big part of my motivation to continue learning pixel art. so i dont want to do something that could in some way (even if its just in my brain) damage the integrity of those jams.

i know the jams might seem “small” right now, but there is already some amazing art that was created as result of them, and i think they have a potential to grow, or maybe pixel art jams even as a trend will grow on itch, and more ppl will start doing them. so i think what youre doing is really cool and worth protecting in this way :)

sorry if this sounds weird, but thats the way i feel and thats my decision 🦧

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joining in, this is a perfect theme obviously to draw some cute elementals. tried to use vibrant colors as much as possible which is outside of my comfort zone a bit

size: 32x32 palette: DawnBringer’s db32

fire🔥, air🌬, water💧, nature🌿

thats a cool workflow, i like how using PS influenced the way you rendered things, i dont think gradients like that would be doable with “normal” pixelart tools like aseprite

these look pretty cool - looking forward to seeing the devlog, im curious how you did the gradients and reflexes here

yeah i actually dig that, it’d be nice for games to have more varied styles, game assets tend to be pretty generic

i love these walk cycles they rock


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great finally a game that makes proper use of the doomsphere sets

looks pretty cool, i’ll check out the submissions once it ends

thanks!!! yea 100% good boy here, ready to eat grass and roll around in deer poop

games that look like this make me want to become a game dev in a small team in germany in the early 2000s working on a game that no one in europe will play, but for some reason will become a cult classic in like mongolia or sth

very cool, add some licensing info maybe so people are not scared to use it?

oh nice! since its cc0, someone can take it and upload it separately as a rock asset

k… kawaii

just finished one of the packs though, and i dont know where to go with the other two yet, so maybe ill wait for the jam before starting a new one

yeah you gotta choose wisely!

oh nooo emotional blackmail xDDD but “maybe ill submit” is the best i can say… if the theme is really a banger i probably will, right?

yeah i think i will try to submit something

i had a specific idea i wanted to do for the last one with an isometric character sprite, but i wouldnt be able to make it on time

but i should have more time during next one!

by the way i need to try doing some isometric art sooner or later. the tileset that tiopalada did for the jam was fking crazy! i follow him on mastodon but i was surprised when he joined the jam

nice, i will wait for a furry themed sequel, “pruit fursuit”

ah i didnt notice art needs to be put on discord… i think i will pass too then. its weird, why not just submit art as assets on itch? maybe they want to keep submissions on itch exclusive to games

hmm i wonder about what you wrote. it seems to me that you are quite interested in pixel art and game dev. if its a hobby you dont always have to work on a project. i take long break from making pixel art as well sometimes, its not work, i can take a break whenever i want.

i used to be really passionate about art and then i took a break from drawing for a few years. now i do pixel art and draw only sometimes to design something for an asset pack. i still enjoy art but i dont have to always to it. its a hobby

you are right, makes no sense to make a hard slime 🦧 it should be flattened at the bottom

some people even make them goopy at the bottom:

i like the slimes that look like that too

hey will you be looking at the lospec jam thats coming up? i think theyre going to announce restrictions today, and submitting art is possible. i think i’ll see what the resrtictions are and decide whether i want to submit something.

though i still have 3 asset packs that im working on at the same time so maybe starting another is a bad idea? 🐵

see cute slime