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A member registered Mar 04, 2016

Recent community posts

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If you want players to use non-standard keys to play your game, at least display them on the tittle screen. It's not normal when you press Enter in a menu and nothing happens.

But during character creation, suddenly it's no longer W and X (that's another thing: millions of people do not use a QWERTY keyboard)!

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Man, I almost won the previous dungeon twice, and now the new one's too hard!

Great job on the game. The Infra Arcana influence is obvious.

Not playable.

Too wordy. The long, repetitive conversations that just drag on and on made me drop it.

It's a shame, since it seemed pretty good otherwise.

Nice game, but the thing with Brockman feels really out of place in a game like this...

OK, that sounds... crazy. I'm not sure how you got to that point, but all I'm saying is that it should be made obvious that "reviews" are not made public, but sent to the publisher/dev as a private message.

I don't even understand what you're trying to say. Do you want people to be completely unable to say anything about games?

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As was already pointed out, itch does have a rating system already, and people can already leave negative comments on your game page.

I'm not asking for the creation of a new feature, just a clarification. The "Rate & Review" window should tell you specifically that your review will not show up publicly.

"A year old thread with no reply or comments from the mods."

It will actually be two years at the end of the month, but this forum does that relative time thing that you see everywhere on the Internet now, so a year and 364 days will still show as "One year ago".

That's the thing: I'm not even asking for the feature to be radically modified and scrapped altogether; It just needs to be made clear to users that they are just sending the dev a private message and NOT writing a public review, contrary to how it's done on every other platform.

But this thread has now been up for a year and a half without any official answer one way or another, so I'm not holding my beath.

Well that's odd, because touching them is what I saw in a YouTube video, and it seemed to work... sometime.

Dropping them the normal way was what tried initially, but it didn't work that well either.

I don't understand how you're supposed to drop the mines safely. Sometimes it works, but most of the time I touch them and die.

Very frustrating.

I was wondering why my reviews never showed up on the game's page.

If I understand this correctly, when you rate a game and add a review, unlike every other website on the Internet, and contrary to human logic itself, that review is not actually published, but the rating is? If you want to write a public "review", you have to write a "comment", despite the fact that those words have different meanings?

It does say in rather small print that's easy to ignore "Reviews are shared with developers and your followers." But even that doesn't mean it's shared ONLY with those people.

So essentially I've unwittingly been a rude prick, telling people to their face I don't like their game when I've written negative reviews? That's great...

Who thought this was a good idea???

Cool, I'll keep an eye out for it!

I know that's not what this program is about, but I really would like to see pictures as clear as they can be.

It really takes away from the enjoyment when everything is grainy and blurry.

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If anyone is wondering, it's over there:

By the way, hitting HOME on the main map crashes the game with the cheats enabled.

I didn't mean quicksaves, just that the game should keep cleared levels cleared from on session to the next.

I cleared the first two levels, which took me a while. I imagined there would be a third one, but it turned out to be two. I played one of them for a bit and gave up (you don't necessarily have a lot of time to play at any given time). I quit the game and re-launched it to see if it had saved my progress. I was dissapointed.

I can't imagine I'm the only one in that case.

Again, it's a real shame because I was enjoying the game.

No save, that's a real shame. I won't finish the game if you have to spend hours on it without any break.