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A member registered Aug 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm so hyped for the full version!! Great work!

This was an interesting one!! Good work!

I loved this game! I like the characters plus the art style of the game! I hope to see some more of this game or some style of it! Great work!


I LOVE THIS GAME! It was filled with many scares, and it's one of the better games on itch I've played!! I got so spooked...

THIS SOUNDS FIRE!! I can't wait to try it out!

THIS IS STILL SCARY!! I still get spooked coming back to this game... I 100% RECOMMEND!! 

MAN WHY DO WE GOT TO DO THIS AT MY HOUSE!! This was a great game want to see more!
(1 edit)

I LOVED THIS IDEA OF A GAME! It had me for some real good scares too!

I'm just trying to do my laundry broo.. I liked this game! Something different hope to see some more!

I love the concept of this game! With maybe a little more polishing done, I think this could be an amazing game!

ANOTHER BANGER FROM TAYO! I love the games you make and I'm so excited for more! Thank you!


I LOVED THE CONCEPT OF THIS GAME!! I really did enjoy it hope to see more!!!

WHAT AN UPGRADE! Compared to the first game I was so hyped playing this one, it kept me on my toes, and I really did enjoy this one! Can't wait to see the third game!!

The first game ya made and its good! I can't wait to see some more! I had chills during multiple parts..

As a star wars fan I like this game! I'm curious to see where else the story takes this!!

TAYO IS BACK WITH ANOTHER BANGER!! I loved this little game nice work bud, I can't wait for more

This game has some potential! Reminds me of this other itch game named Kitty Kart, I want to see more in the future!!

Even tho it was short.. IT WAS STILL TERRIFYING! I had chills the whole time...

I loved the game idea! It was so fun to play and more horrifying to watch!!

ANOTHER BANGER!!! Shook me out of my shoes... THANK YOU TAYO!!!

I love all the games you've made so far Tayo! I look forward to see more of your projects!!

What a game, so many scares that kept me on my toes.. Thank you to the developers for reaching out!!

This was great! I love the creators and the games they make can't wait to play more!

I'M EXCITED TO SEE MORE OF THIS GAME! Gave me chills the whole time, and got me good..

I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE! This game got me good a few times, and excited to see the whole release!

It's five o'clock somewhere and it is crazy at this bar!! I loved the game I hope to see another one or some more like it! I liked the concept of the bartending horror aspect!

Such a bizarre ending.. great game! 

Sounds great! Sorry about all the problems just know u got 1 supporter here! 

Great game still, I can't wait until the release! Any plans on the when the release is??

I'm so hyped for this game!! I loved the gameplay, the puzzle solving, and everything in between! I'm for sure going to get the full version!! Thank you for making the game!

THIS WAS AMAZING!! I am so pumped for the full game thank you Tim for making this banger of a game!

I WANT TO SEE MORE!! Such a good concept!! Loved the game! Great work!

I loved the ambiance, I enjoyed the concept! Hope to see more soon!!

This one got me, I love the game it has a good story and atmosphere that I didn't expect!!

I love this game! I can't wait to hear more about it! Thank you!

My first time seeing anything about this series but just saying I'm excited for the rest!!

WHAT A GREAT GAME!! I can't wait for the whole thing!

THIS WAS GREAT!! I loved these games hope to see more games from TAYO!!!