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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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i understood but i had to google redundant for this lol, very cool puzzle! 

maybe as a spoiler for people:

the key is the question asking about the first digit again - you would not do this if you already knew the answer

i really like the art and concept in this. my computer had a bit of trouble running it, but what i did play was really cute!  i like the idea of have different stats based on weather conditions

very cool! i loved the fixing mechanic, lighting and music!

great concept! really cute duck art!

i tried it again and got the win message this time! im not sure why the first time it did not work, but i remember i did hit a lot of the red lines in my first playthrough

very cool concept, and i love the art and music!

i had a lot of fun making the map! thank you for playing <3

you caught me - this is the third game ive ever made, second on my own! I learned a ton though, im happy i got something in haha
thanks for playing!

the rotation was so funny for me, i learned a lot about movement doing this haha! thanks for playing!

im glad you found it! my add/drop mechanic is a little buggy, so i thought no one would find that, very glad at least one person did. thank you for playing! <3

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so valid lol, and music is definitely something im interested in getting into for future game jams!

thank you for playing and for the feedback! i might go in and make some updates after the game jam is over, to make it a bit clearer haha

thank you for the feedback!

both e and shift should work - but i noticed its a little buggy, sometimes it refuses to drop lol. I might go in and fix that after the voting period is over

very cool 3d with pixel art! i like the game loop, though i could not find the win condition! overall good though, i also love the leak effect

simple but has potential, this has a cool concept that could definitely be expanded to make a solid game!

i could not figure out how to attack without taking damage - but still a cute game, i like the concept and the diving mechanic

simple but effective, cute art great puzzles!

love the sounds and the water effect! very cool that you made this just with html, css and javascript!

really great puzzles, love the sounds and very satisfying to solve!

i think i went around the full loop - but nothing happened after! i might have taken too long, or maybe missed a turn somewhere

the glowing ball needs to be dropped on them - i realized there is a bug with the pickup mechanic to late to fix it unfortunately! my bad, but thank you for playing!

i bought 284 snails! fun little game, love the fish art

this was very funny, and its super cool to see a 3d game in a week game jam. very cute game!

really cute game! i couldn't finish the race but i like the art and the mechanic was a fun twist

(1 edit)

bump, would love this functionality

loved it! i really related to george, and i am super happy we got to throw the chair

i loved the music, the art, and the puzzles were incredibly challenging! fantastic and clever puzzles that are deceptively simple to start!

so cute! and kind of stressful when there is more than one frog lol

this game is crazy high quality for a browser game! I feel you could launch on console tbh

addictive and fun! i made it to the end, but had to retry the last level

super cute!

super cute, made me crave a peppermint latte. relaxing and i loved the art too!

Super cute! i love the potion creation mechanics, and the books floating to the right place on their own! ran into a small bug where i got stuck behind the customer somehow.

really cute! loved the idea to attack and defend with towers, and the end level was surprisingly tricky! cute art and sound. i didn't realize i could upgrade the castle until level 4, which added some extra challenge!

i also pressed it by accident.. had no idea it closed the active window. i live in the real world too much i guess lol! for anyone else like me: cntrl + shift +t to open all old tabs!

so cute! realizing the way to "win" rock paper scissors was adorable to me

This is great! super cute aesthetic, and the levels are really well scaled. Each mechanic is well introduced and changed how I played moving forward. On level 14, I ended up resetting 5 times! Had a lot of fun with this

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super cute game! I love the visuals, sound effects and puzzles in the demo