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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Best game I every played. Keep up the good work.

Simple and Nice


I checked but it didn't show any request, send me your discord id instead.

Will join after my current jam results come out. Thanks for asking though!

Cool game with very nice visuals. Controls took a bit of to adjust with for me (idk my pc is old), but enjoyed it. Really well made.

Kudos bro!! i don't know how to created such complex mechanics but its great. The only problem i found was the sensitivity and the controls, can be more polished. Took me 15 min to properly control our boi, still the game is awesome and has a lot of potential.

Well menu system is already integrated in Ren'py as default, all I did was to create the artwork and atmosphere and parallax mouse effect in main menu . Really thank you for your appreciation,  going to play you game too. ;)

Thanks man.!

Well I was still learning RPG maker at that time still thanks.

Sent you request in Discord.

I will contact you via email.

Add me In Discord or send yours. ;)

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Hi I'm Kick,

I create Visual Novels and Point and Click games in Ren'Py. I specialize in creating GUI for Ren'Py games, and I want to create GUI for other game engines too. 

Feel free to drop me a message here or via Discord [Kick14] to discuss your project.

Let's make your game stand out together!

Oh. Sad to hear that. 

That's awesome.

When will it come out?

Any updates now? 

Yess! les go.

No worries! Glad to know its being worked on. Missing Stars was one the best visual novels I have played so far.

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It's not been a while, It's been 3 years. I thought making of Act 2 was going on :(.(Sad life). 

Still glad to hear about the update. Looking forward to it .;)

Thanks ;)


I can make it for but it will take some time. I have many works going on. You have to upscale every image in the asset to your resolution. You can also watch any tutorial (on YouTube or Website) on how to upscale images depending on your graphics editor.

Or simply just wait I will make it for you as soon as possible.;)

In what resolution do you want it to be?

One resolution there is 1280x720 and the other is 1920x1080(HD).

I use Photoshop so I can tell you how to upscale in it, I have no idea about other graphic editors.

There are 2 grammatical mistakes in it. Soory for that. I will fix them in the next build after the voting ends. 

Nah it didn't run. But I did watched the video. It was super cool looking. Nice job. ;)

Thanku sir 


Going to play those games which my PC can handle. 

Thank you!! ;)

Thank You.

There are 4 Endings in total.

Added the Hd Version. ;)

Sorry for the late reply.

I haven't made it for the HD version yet but I have all my files so I will make one.

I will make as soon as I get time.

Thanks for the comment btw.^_^

Nice and short. Loved playing it.

I got all the endings but it took some time to get the 5th ending.

Well as you said if you make a expansion of this it would be cool.^_^

Ever since waiting for the part 2. One of the best visual novels I ever played.

Thank you for your comment.^^

Yes you can use it any type of project (free or commercial) and you can customize anything inside according to your necessity. 

As for the credit, Its not necessary.

Btw drop a link if you make anything using this asset.I would love to play it.;)  

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Oh that one, just the next area east to the cabin there is exclamation mark where you have to try 5 times to move the switch which will open the door of the mansion ruins. I forgot to tell that in game so that the player could know what to do to open the door. My bad.

Thanks for the honest feedback. Now I know more things I can improve in my next games. I really messed up most of the things because of the less time. I will try to make it more crisp and polished next time. Thanks for playing the game and also thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it. ;)

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Thanks for playing.Yeah its a bit hard to navigate, i will improve it in my next games.Glad you loved the music and again thanks for the feedback. :)