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Kami Amiga

A member registered Apr 29, 2023

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Love the art style : color palette, animation, 2.5D, clear UI : all great ! Good work on the voice too. I unfortunately got stuck at a puzzle (colored wires), but as I wanted to see more of the game, I consider it's a really successful game jam game. Congrats !

Impressive work on the audio. The overall atmosphere works really well. Congrats !

Nice work on the art and the music. I didn't understand properly how to give the potion to the dragon : most of the time is stayed outside the cauldron and I couldn't interact with it, but the game was interesting enough to keep me trying several times, so good work :)

Cute game, I loved the music, graphics are nice too, difficulty seems well balanced to me, and... we play a cat ^^

Not a big fan of the controls, but the graphics are of an amazing quality. Well done !

The game is hard ^^' I felt the character could kind of get stuck to the walls after some wall jumps and wasn't responsive as I wanted. But apart from that, it's a really great job with a great art, music and sound design, and the breathing mechanic is interesting. Congrats !

Good job : it's simple, but well executed and quickly addictive. Congrats !

Got stuck at level 6 unfortunately ^^' But the game is fun : you quickly get engaged with it, the graphics work well and have a minimalistic yet easy to understand UI and music is relaxing :)

Easy to handle, but hard to master. Nice game : effects, feedback and rhythm are really cool. Great job !

Very polished game, you achieved a lot for this jam ! I only wished the controls were easier to handle when using an AZERTY keyboard, but the atmosphere kept me in the game for a little while. Congrats !

Sta(y)lin alive ! Sta(y)lin alive ! HAHAHAHA ! Sta(y)liiiinnnnn Aliiiiiiiii-Aiiiiiiii-Aiiiiive




Just... Thank you for that moment XD

I wished the controls were a bit less slow, and the physics a bit more realistic, but congrats for your impressive work on the atmosphere. What you achieved for this jam is amazing !

Nice game, and much polished. Art and music are lovely and you paid attention to the effects which is cool :)

Nice work on the controls. Lights and shadows were a bit strong, but it's cool to see the feature used in a game jam and it fits well with the graphic style.

Cute little game, nice work :)

Love your take on the theme, awesome graphics and music too. Great job !

Cute, funny, well executed and short (in a good way). I consider this as a perfect game for a jam : a nice and surprising discovery. Really great !

Great job for such a short amount of time !

This is fun, well executed and the theme is respected. Well done ;)

Great graphics and music, very well done for the plot twist, I really didn't that coming ! I'm really amazed by the work you have achieved here. Congrats !

I wish the graphics were a bit more polished but I truely enjoyed that you chose this kind of subject, I liked the progression too, and it seems you have developed a lot of variations so good work !

A bit hard, but really nice DA !

Nice art style ! I also like the smooth controls

Cute game. Good job for achieving this in such a small time

Impressive ! I have one tiny feedback about the controls that I found a bit hard because I have an AZERTY keyboard, but WOW ! I'm amazed by the quality of the work, music and graphics are so cool and the feedback when hitting the ball or an enemy are really good. Congrats :D

It is quite hard and may lack of feedback when missing or succeeding, but it is enjoyable to see a rhythm in GDevelop, and the music is nice. Thanks for this initiative :)

Very funny, I love the sound effects and the controls that are quick to understand. Great work !

Hi ! I was supposed to work with a developer for the jam, but he's not answering any of my messages since yesterday :( Do you still need a 2D artist ?

Hello ! Do you need a 2D artist for the jam ?

Hello ! I sent you a an add on Discord. I'm a 2D artist, here is my work :

As I said on the other topic : I've just sent you a request. My discord : kamiamiga

Yep :) I'll contact you soon. My discord : kamiamiga

Hello ! As the title says, I'm a 2D artist looking for a team. I may have a contact for the music, so I'm especially looking for dev profiles. I've already done a few game jams and I know a bit about GDevelop and JS/TS so I can (maybe) give some help about the dev part. I'd prefer to work on a 2D project, but apart from that I don't have any preference about the type of game.

You can see my works here :

Hello ! I'm a 2D artist looking for a team. I've already done a few game jams and I know a bit about GDevelop. You can see my work here : Someone also contacted me for the music on Discord, so please let me know if we can team up together

Hello ! Are you still looking for an artist for the jam ? I'm a 2D artist who knows a bit about GDevelop. You can find my works here :

Sure ! Sorry for the mistake !

Fun game to try. Too bad it's rather difficult and lacks of sounds and feedback when ennemies get hit. Otherwise there is something interesting in the way the waves of enemies evolve one after another. Graphics are nice too. It could have been nice to add a phase between the waves where you could get bonuses, with the money you collected for instance.

I liked this game a lot ! Interactions were a bit unclear at first, but once I understood what to do, the feeling of scaling up was really enjoyable and rewarding. Graphics are cute, controls are efficient, rhythm is good. The game only lacks of a background music, tutorial and some UI elements on hover (e.g : the names of the forge items you unlocked in the bottom bar).  Great game, congrats !

I enjoyed the mood of the game, it's graphics especially, but I found the mechanics related to jump hard to handle. Also : ennemies kept attacking while dialog boxes were displayed (e.g : after collecting a scale) and sometimes the game appeared to pause or freeze for a fraction of second, which was weird. It was still nice to play, and the atmosphere of the game works well. Good job !

I like the mechanic, but the gameplay with the keyboad was too difficult to handle. I couldn't even finish the tutorial as I didn't know how to get past the first skeletion. Despite that, I feel the game has a great potential,  a nice atmosphere and it exploits the theme in an interesting way. Graphics are really great too ! Good job !