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A member registered Jul 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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My apologies Xaoka, the files are updated now!

Great job on the game! 

I will consider it in the future. Im focusing on melee combat slashes at the moment

Appreciate the feedback jwithano! I will make those adjustments as soon as possible.

(2 edits)

Each square is 16x16. So each animation ranges from 16x16 to 48x32.

Ill update the page to make this information clear for others as well

Hi! Its designed for pixel-art games- you can try it but I wouldnt recommend it. Is it for a 3d game?

Hey! Its designed for pixel-art games so I would not recommend it for 3d games

Thank you, cheers!

Will check it out later tonight!

Thank you :) 

Hypeeeee Excellent work Rafael!! 

(1 edit)

I removed the paid files & changed the project to paid- it should work now. Let me know if you still have any issues with it! 

It will be fixed on the next update! All the files will be reorganized to match the other asset packs.

Thank you, cheers buddy! 

Thanks 8bit, great suggestions. Ill upload them all tonight! 

Thank you, Ill be adding a ton more assets so dont you worry ;)

Hey, appreciate the detailed explanation! I exported all of the animations as sprite sheets. Let me know if this method makes it easier for ya.

Would it be helpful for me to make all the spacing the same? Or a screenshot of the export settings can be added

My apologies, Ill do my best to fix them.  What formats would you like to see? (Examples would help)

yep! Feel free to use it in any of your games

Wooo A new Anokolisa Pack! :D Awesome job on the art!

Hey! Can you dm me via twitter / discord for your prize? I tried reaching out a few times but your discord does not allow me to dm you. Cheers! 

Unfortunately, its not animated : ( 

Let me know if its fixed! 

I must have missed those animations, my apologies. Will upload them later today!

Yup! Are there any placeholder enemies/animations you'd like to see?

Its not included at the moment but it will be added in the future

Such a cute style, great work!

hmm never used phaser3 so Im not too sure. You can edit the file using Aseprite though 

Yo this is awesome. Are you asking what is the best way to animate blood?

You got it!

Hey Simon, thank you! The paid version has more animations and will include future updates. I plan on creating courses that are tied to these purchases as well.

It is not required by the license but greatly appreciated if you do ! Thank you for asking, hope u enjoy

Let me know if its cool for me to share your game's link on this asset page! Id love for others to see the asset in action

Have a great holiday weekend as well, cheers :) 
If you have a link for your game I'd love share it on the page !

They're good to use for commercial projects! Like most assets, you can't resell or redistribute the assets themselves

Ill update the page to clarify the terms

Happy to hear that it helped, best of luck on the kickstarter! The game looks promising 

Oh sweet!

 Is there anything I can do to make it easier for you or someone else next time?

I recommend getting this if you're looking for the super smash camera specifically:
I have a simple version on another project. Ill have it imported soon!

Hey! I usually adjust the "Export Sprite Sheet" settings to match the animation sheets. I can export them as .gifs and sprite sheets if you'd like as well