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Gerhard Wonner

A member registered Feb 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Reduced the number of lessons to 4 since the tutorial seems to be a little lengthy otherwise. You will learn the rest as you play the game.

Please allow me to send you emails, so I can send you the link where you can watch the replay of your game.

Therefore you have to click "[2] account settings" on title screen (when logged in as JaN) and then "Allow email notifications" on the following screen.

Thank you! You by far are the fastest guy:

Greetings to your son. I hope he enjoys playing! :-)

There ist still this ugly "Guest#90" in the rankings. So please register, so I can see you as "KeyboardKrieger" there.

I also think so. But I am not sure that I can solve them all. I always switched to another area when I failed at one puzzle for several times. I do not play chess myself. Instead I am a Go player. For Go there also exist thousands of puzzles (e.g. life and death problems). So maybe you can do a nice SNES-style GoKampf as well! ;-)


How are the puzzles distributed among the different areas? Have they different themes?

Here is my Progress after 2-3 hours:

Cool, are the puzzles procedurally created?

So what happens if I do not finish the season until Sunday?

I think your drawings are quite atmospheric. 

I will definitely have another go on this game.

Thank you for playing, JaN!

You are correct, you need to get more power-ups especially "permanent speed upgrades" in the early levels. But you also have to use your consumables (nitros and drills). From the timestamp of your comment I could determine that you must be Guest#96. And in my database I can see, that you never used any drills (to dig through walls) or nitros (double speed for 10 turns).

But, wait a minute. There is something that you did better than anyone else so far. You are an extremely fast player. I can see this, if I go to the "global rankings" (reachable from title-screen by clicking the button "[4] global rankings"). The rankings can be sorted by different criteria. And if I sort by "Score per Hour", see who is first:

Your score might be not very high, but you "Score per Hour" is! :-)

But unfortunately it hurts my eyes that a guest is in first place here. It would be much nicer to read the name "JaN" there. So could you please register. As soon as you do, all your games you played so far as Guest#96 will be labeled with you registered username. If you leave your email and allow email-notifications, I will send you links, were you can watch the replays of your games.

Kind regards


I used  the JavaScript roguelike-library rot.js by Ondřej Žára. Apart from this I wrote everything myself.

OK, I will tell you. 

So far I am not sure if I know, what a Schachkampf-season is. But I think the game will tell me when the season is done.

This crazy dresser catched me after 557 steps.

In order to see the rankings, klick "[4] global rankings" on title screen (or press [4]). You are currently listed as "Guest#90". The rankings can be sorted by different criteria. If you register, the games you played as guest will also be labeled with your username. So you do not have to play a new game.

The replays are a beta feature and not released yet. But I already use them to analyze games and they are also useful to detect cheating.

The game is written in JavaScript on the frontend and uses PHP and MySQL for the backend. In the moment it is only playable in the browser.

Very good music and atmosphere. But a lot to read. A visual novel, after all.

It is very funny to summon a lot of skeletons!

A lot of good ideas included.

I would love to hear some sound effects when doing damage or casting spells.

I made some progress. :-)

Really like the game, so I got me the download version for Windows. :-)

After solving the second puzzle the firework did not stop. I can go to the options menu but I cannot continue playing. Fortunately my progress was saved and now I can continue after restarting the game.

Thank you for trying angain. A score of 79 is already quite good! :-)

It depends on the situation and the level you are in. Exploration is more important in the early levels.

Could you please register. Currently you are listed as "Guest#90" in the global rankings. Would be nice to see your name there. Your password will be encrypted do to current standard, and I can neither see nor derive it. If you leave your email and allow email-notifications, I will send you the links, so you can watch the replays of your games.

No, it is a turn based racing game taking place in a dungeon.

There is a short introduction if you scroll down on the game-page.

Please try and see!

Reached a score of 890.

I finally made it to the end. Cool game!

A beautifully designed interactive book.

Quite hard to get the meal you want.

Thank you for the feedback. :-)

Thank you for giving it a try! :-)

This is a game about resource-management. You have to consider if its better to use a resource now, or to save it for later use. If you see an item, you have to consider if it is worth the detour or not.

Since I can watch replays of every game, I know that the top players even explore for speed-upgrades in the early levels. This extra speed gives them some room to explore even more. But you have to develop a sense of knowing when to stop exploring in favor of a good placement.

Thank you for giving it a try! :-)

I store all games that have been played in a database. From the timestamp of your comment I could determine the two games you played. I watched the replays of those games since I am always interested in how others play my game. What I have seen is that you do not use the possibility of moving diagonal. This would have given you a lot of potential to overtake. In order to move diagonal, you have to play with the numpad or alternatively use the keys [Q,E,Z/Y,C] next to the [W,A,S,D] keys. What I learned is, that my game needs a tutorial to teach the basic concepts since most players will not read the manual nowadays.

I will do a second run on your game Schachkampf soon.

(1 edit)

Good menacing atmosphere. I am very curious how it goes on. Unfortunately I am currently stuck. I defeated wave 3 at the arcade, but no more enemies are showing up and there seems to be no exit. Am I missing something?

Very good look and feel. I like the Zelda-style. Good animations and sound.

I would need a little more feedback from the game why my solution to a problem would not work.

Nice light and particle effects. Shooting things is quite funny. I sometimes missed why I was beamed to the next area.

(1 edit)

Very nice and funny game! Smooth animations. I finally made it to the egg. :-)

I will play this another time together with my kids.

Hello red kangaroo,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello samspot,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello shaddockh,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello tonehack,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello Lone Spelunker,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello Xecutor,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello Rogueliker,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello patrickdavison,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!


Hello Makeyejr,

there is a new version of RunToTheStairs:

  • The game now has a server-sided backend wich is hosted at GreenGeeks.
    • This allows to generate automatic high-score-tables which are accessible from within the game.
    • Players can register accounts in order to keep their progress.
    • High-Score-Tables can be sorted by different criteria. (e.g. "Score per Hour" which should be interesting for speedrunners)
  • Balancing changes towards shorter games.
  • Less unfair: The players position is newly calculated if the distance to catch up would be to large.
  • More versatile pathfinding-algorithm with better performance.

Please consider to play again!
