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Fictium Sound Design

A member registered May 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi! I'm very happy for the recent supporters of my effort to provide free high quality music for your dear developers, it's being a challenge to pump up both the free and the paid music but let's keep up the good fight, here's a romantic acoustic guitar for you.

If you like it, thumbs up the video, subscribe to the channel and share it far and wide with your friends if you think they may benefit from my other work! Also, don't forget to attribute me credits if you end up using it in your video game projects.


Here comes another boss theme track, I have much to improve yet but I think I'm more and more figuring out my own original style of dark fantasy music which is nice! If you like the song subscribe to the channel and like the video as it helps me grow, also, don't forget to attribute me if you use it in your games. See you.


I bet AI can't compose like this...! [at least not yet :(]. Here's another boss theme, it took me a SHITLOAD of work to do it, so really enjoy that it's free! Like the video, subscribe to the channel and give me credits if you use it in your rpg game projects! Also, there's much more if you decide to become my Patreon, it's all in the video's description link, check it out!

Originally I was gonna leave this boss theme to a paid music pack because of it being a very high quality composition, but then I thought "meh, what the heck, let's give more value", and there it is, permanently free for you. If you like it, thumbs up on the video, subscribe to the channel and attribute me credits if you use it in your game projects. See you again.

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Here's 246 free magic spells SFX in case you're needing in your fantasy RPG rpg maker games! Like the video and subscribe to the channel for more if you like my free assets!

Here's the another free dungeon music for your rpg maker games! If you enjoy it please like the video, subscribe to the channel and give me credits if you use it! See you!

Here's another free dark soundscape for you to use in your rpg maker games! I'm focusing to make simple arrangements with emphasis on texture and tone so that it's not intrusive and blends well with the background of your game levels.

Like the video if you do, subscribe to the channel and give me credits if you use it!

See you!

Hello again friends! Let's have some FREE dark atmospheric music for your dungeons, shall we? Download link is in the video's description link! Thumbs up if you like it, subscribe to the channel and comment! Also, give me credits if you use it in your RPG game projects!

Hello friends, here's another free tavern music for your rpg video games. The download link is in the video's description. Please attribute me if you use it in your projects, thanks and until the next song.

Here's another free RPG tavern theme for your rpg maker video games! Enjoy!

Just don't forget to give me credits when you use it!

Download link is in the video's description.


I'm here to release my newest 8 bit music pack for 2D platformer games!

It's 12 high quality soundtracks featuring 1 menu title theme, 8 level themes & 3 boss themes.

All for the fair price of 12,99$!

Check it out here: 

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I think you're gonna love this little medieval folk tavern song:

More war, more orchestral battle loop, let's have some variety on that!

Another happy town music... We're almost having a free RPG music pack here...!

A mysterious forest song...

Spartans... Shieeeld!

An orchestral battle loop with lots of brasss:

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A cheerful town music:

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This one is about boredom and apathy:

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Do you like sad piano songs? 

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I'm Kevin, composer from Fictium Sound Design. My previous post of free music became messy since I deleted a bunch of stuff and it bugged the pages so I'm reposting it all anew with a cleaner view for you guys. If you like my music, give me credits (plis...!!!), also like the videos and subscribe to the channel as it helps me a lot! Enjoy!

So, this one is about melancholy and strong emotions:

Latest work:

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Hi! Kevin here. Are you working on a RPG or horror game and need music? We can negotiate a budget that'll work out for you. Call me here:

YouTube: @fictiumsoundesign

Hi, I also participated in this game jam and I just played your game. I found it to be interesting overall. The story is creepy and I wonder what mom does all the times she catches Thomas lol. The standard volume levels could be a bit lower if it's possible to program it like that. The VHS filter (?) was a nice differential to it. The piano and scary songs are great too. Good job.

Now it's starting to look good, a pillaging game! 

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Keep working and posting!

By the way, if you you're planning any commercial games to sell in the future and you need sound design support I can totally compose a free 2 min music for you or else I offer all the music packs I've created so far in my Patreon!

Or if it may be of any help I'm always releasing forever free music to download in my YouTube channel, in case you feel it to be of any value you can subscribe to my channel and follow up the future releases. 

Here's my YouTube channel and all the links in it:

Best Regards!

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"RPG set on a deteriorating space station".

Oh,  interesting. I believe Sonuscore's Elysion 1 and 2 are the perfect VST to compose music for this genre!

Dungeon Crawler seems awesome too. Ever heard of "Fear and Hunger"?

Hey man, your game is quite challenging! I keep dying in some parts so it'll take some more time to get ahead of it lol. By the way, let me know if I can help with game testing or audio / SFX feedback when you get the next going!

Happy New Year!

That's awesome mate!
Which genre would it be? regarding the next game that you intend to develop?
Yeah, totally do that, in English it's way more accessible, it'll surely increase your audience. 

Hey man

I've just played your game here for a bit. It looks solid to me! The music and SFX looks sharp tho' I'd work a bit on EQing some of the horror ambiences (horror composer here!). The thing you did of having the scene morph was a neat trick, it really adds a sense of otherworldly stuff happening.

Also the monster's movement patterns were well developed their erratic movement patterns really puts tension in the player! The fog you added was very nice too. 

I'm not really sure what else could be improved, it looks like a solid retro RPG maker to me. So yeah, good job!

Are you planning on developing new games?

Dungeons! Now we're talking!

Cool if you want I can give you further feedback with the audio part as that's my specialty! Keep grinding!


I a horror composer  and I just saw and played your game! Really interesting, I particularly like this specific theme of storytelling using very "slow-burn" like tropes, such as monotony, purposelessness, which I think your game translated very well. I'm midway to the end of  the first chapter, but here's my feedback:

- Good music, the chromatic change and dense repetition of notes works well for its purpose, although I think it's a bit repetitive, you could've enlarged the soundtracks and added more details while still maintaining the repetitiveness, the last piano track I composed I did exactly that. So, it's possible.

- Average SFX, it works, but we could certainly add a bit more detail and nuance to it (of course, maybe the project doesn't really need that, so take it with a grain of salt).

- Awesome level design and storytelling, I know it's not easy to create a compelling story and combine it well with the level design of the game, you did that well.