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A member registered Jun 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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A lot of quality here!


Hello, game developers and enthusiasts!

I am thrilled to introduce a brand-new collaborative event called "Pass The Game"! This unique and exciting event is all about teamwork, creativity, and the shared joy of game development.

What is "Pass The Game"?

"Pass The Game" is a collaborative game development project where one developer starts a game project, then passes it on to the next developer, and so on, until all participants have contributed. It's a relay race for game development, where each developer gets the chance to add their unique touch to the evolving project.

How Does It Work?

1. Join my Discord: Join my Discord in order to get in touch with other developers and to become part of the developer chain.

2. Initial Development: The first developer in the chain will start the project, creating the initial game structure, assets, and gameplay elements.

3. Passing the Torch: After a set period, the project is passed to the next developer in line, who will build upon the previous work, adding their own features, assets, and ideas.

4. Iteration: This process continues until every participant has had a chance to contribute.

5. Final Touches: The last developer polishes the game, fixes any remaining issues, and prepares it for release.

6. Release: I will publish the final game on, showcasing the combined effort of all the participants. Then I will make a video on my YouTube Channel about the event in which all the developers are invited!

Event Timeline - TO BE ANNOUNCED 

more infos on Discord.

How to Join

1. Join my Discord: Join my Discord Server in order to get in touch with other developers and to become part of the developer chain.

Why Participate?

- Collaborate: Work with other talented developers from around the world.

- Learn: Gain new skills and insights from seeing how others approach game development.

- Create: Be part of something bigger and create a unique game together.

- Showcase: Have your work featured in a collaborative project on and on a video on YouTube

Rules and Guidelines

- Respect the Work: Build on what others have created; don't overwrite or remove their contributions.

- Time Management: Make sure to pass the project on time to keep the chain moving.

- Communication: Stay in touch with your fellow developers, especially when it's time to hand off the project.

- Have Fun: Enjoy the process and the collaboration!

Ready to join the fun? Join the Discord Server now and be part of this amazing game development journey!

For any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments or on our community channels!

Let's pass the game and make something incredible together!

Hi! I'm ElOctopus Makes Games and I make games in Unity!

I have started publishing some videos on you YouTube (this is my channel) in which I show my DevLogs and Tutorials.

I really love the "Pass the Game Challenge" from Blackthornprod, it consist in making with other people, without communicating.

Imagine there are 5 devlopers how have joined to this event, it would be like that:

- Dev1 starts the game the first day, then passes the project to the next dev

- Dev2 continues the project without communicating with Dev1

- Dev3 continues the project without communicating with Dev2

- Dev4 continues the project without communicating with Dev3

- Dev5 continues the project without communicating with Dev4

when the project has been edited by all the Devs, the event finish and we will have a look at the finished project!

If you want to join to this event or you just want some informations feel free to join and write in my new Discord server: Pass The Game Challenge

The goal of this event is to let new and expert Developers make something new, gain new followers, feel like in a team and be part of my videos about this event on YouTube!

I've made a cool prompt generator, this is helping me a lot to make games with new ideas that I would have never thought about! Here is the link -> Random Theme Generator

Wow! Very cool!

Thanks a lot! I'm sorry for the mouse sensitivity, I will fix it!

I will keep updating it for a long time! I have a lot of idea to make it better!

With a difficult maze it would have been a stressful game ahahah

Thanks a lot! I'm happy you like it! Try it now with the new version in which I fixed some prompts! Now I think it is better!
If you have any suggestion or request, feel free to write it here!

ahhahaah it could be cool!

Now I'm going to upload a new version in which I think I made it a lot better by adding some very cool prompt!

Very original!

Great game!

I love the art!

Very cool!

Really well made, the graphics are also good!

The game is very smooth and has a good gameplay! Good one!

Really well made, the graphics are also good!

The game is very smooth and has a good gameplay! Good one!

Nice game!

Great movement for a great game! I really enjoyed playing it

Great movement for a great game! I really enjoyed playing it


Very cool game, the graphics and the sounds are absolutely awesome!

Yes of course! I just played it, very cool!

Thanks a lot!

I see! Thanks for the advice

Thanks! What do you mean with button mapping? How would you improve it?

Did you make a screenshot of the bug?

Good to know!

Thanks for playing! I'm happy you liked it!

ahahahah good one anyway!

Nice little game!

for sure!!!

For sure I will! I will do more, I will also follow you!

You have to! The game is a really good idea from which make a good game!

ahahah I think you did a great job!

Good game, maybe the controls are redundant!


A so simple game, but still so well made! it is incredible how a simple good idea can be better then  an harder one to realize!

Cool tiny game, I think you'd better write a description to explain the commands!