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A member registered Apr 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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I invite you to participate in the second "Pixel Asset Pack" jam where you can have a rest of making games and just a make an art of it :)


I invite you to participate in the second "Pixel Asset Pack" jam where you can have a rest of making games and just a make an art of it :)

My favorite is a jam sandwich, it is so cute

I like the concept of fire color change which depends on a mood change. I thought about using something similar for a slime


I think that pixel-art is very obvious tag + I think itch have a tag for portraits.... Anyway it allows custom tags and will suggest (autocomplete) tags while you write it so...

I recommend you to add the tags

Tabtletop is interesting idea ;)

Yeah time is crucial. I even didn't start... :)

What do you mean about tokens?

A place to share your WIP

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Cool. I also should try thick outlines one day. Can't say that mouse, voodo doll and vampire fit to the elements theme but the tengu mask and mummy fit perfectly!

I think I mostly like jack lantern and the voodo doll

The flower is my favorite

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Maybe tool is good, I didn't test it but anyway the jam is about pixel art which you create by your own hands by drawing not by modeling so the submission is disqualified

Really good

They are very quality so it you can just not to submit the pack to the jam buy upload it as an asset pack on itch.

I understand your concerns. Your thinking is very correct but there some "but's":

  1. The main theme is portrait. They are additional
  2. I wrote those additional themes for you to create a bit of a challenge for you. Because at some point I had understood that you draw portraits often so for you this jam won't be interesting that means there will be one submission less...
  3. I decided to start adding some random additional themes/restrictions because somewhere in 2-4 jams someone complained about jams are about challenge so "1bit/isometric doesn't give you a seed from where to start"

So I just decided to kill two rabits with one shot. The elementals part is what I wanted to draw and just decided to add it because it is something like theme while the main "theme" of the jam is restriction

The vibrant colors is really a challenge concretely for you. I noticed that you usually avoid them but it is a jam and as I noticed you usually like drawing challenges so I added it as another point

Auto portrait of account portrait :D

What is it? I see a bird, mermaid and deer but what is on the first image? Goblin or whatever it is...? I don't know, it doesn't look like any demon or something like any lower infernal creatures.... At the same time it doesn't look like higher infernal creature so what is it?

I think I had understood what made me think that it is AI. Too many "shades". Almost  1 pixel shift = 1 shade shift (which is usually not considered as pixel art... but ok....)

Metadata says it is under MIT license... So please delete this misleading metadata piece

Where can I find the source code?

Where can I find the source code?

Only arrows without WASD?!!

Is it made with AI?

Not bad, though it more looks like sticker for telegram/viber than game art but ok...

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I've decided to start the jam earlier because I will need to water trees tomorrow. And the banner of this jam is the best masterpiece I've ever made

The additional challenges are exactly/especially for you

Yeah, If you want to keep the terms from the description you should just delete CC-BY4 metadata

The license description and metadata are inconsistent. CC-BY4 essential part is redistribution (even reselling) so when you say "no redistribution" it is no longer CC-BY4


What a cute mouse!

I would rather name it a rock than a bush

OK. I just have an option to use theme in this 8 or in the next 9 jam...

You have three unfinished packs. I just have one special theme. So I don't want to use it if you won't be able to submit...

Hello! Will you be able to participate in the 8 pixel asset pack jam?

Is it AI? If yes, I recommend to add ai-generated tag

Pallete is good and controls are enough good. I think I should try to do something. At least dumb platform without idea... Maybe I will cam up with something in process

I've just known about this jam from you. I read rules and it seems that I won't do anything. Why? Just art must be submitted to discord. I also don't understand difference between "animation" and "standalone artwork" but to ask I need to use discord... I think I can try to do another parallax background for specified resolution, hope it will be better than the mountains

Game making (and it seems that assets creation too) isn't really for me. I enjoy it but can't imagine what to do or just dont want to do something... Jams page say that I joined 37 jams. And submitted to 8 but half of them my own pixel art asset pack jam so.... Most likely it will be one more joined and forgotten jam

3 packs? I don't know. I usually have 0 and I've never worked on 2 packs at the same time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

License pointed in metadata (CC0) conflicts with license pointed in description!

CC0 means public domain and allows redistribution in any form so please, delete it from metadata...

It looks more like an intermediate frame of idle/jump animation because usually slimes are less rounded at bottom because their jelly nature and physics press them down more.

But it really cuteness potential!

Just formally github workspaces is an editor but just in browser... About emoji. I see here a pig nose which it is supposed to be. Do you see here pink smile? Great, it seems that you have a great imagination and very easy to inspire (which can lead to many unfinished packs but it is still great ;)

And about emojis... It is text object which is rendered by application just like different fonts. So it isn't "cross platform"

Slime... Hmmm... I hope slime as platformer character?

Actually I plan something like restriction with palette which I will make by myself

The best snow grass!