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A member registered Oct 15, 2022

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Hi, I’m an artist Looking for interesting projects to work on .

I can do Pixel art and digital art as well 

I’m interested in 2d games specially (Metroidvania games) but I’m open to hear about your game

This is some of my works

contact me on discord if you interested!


I’m an artist I can do both pixel and digital arts

I send you a request on discord if you interested!

Hello everyone 

It’s my dream to build a team and make our own games comes true with our passion

My goal is to make a team that can work together smoothly and efficiently to create simple 2d games at the beginning

By the way I’m an artist with the both styles (Pixel & digital arts )

Contact me on discord if you interested ! ZA#1451

(1 edit)

Hi everyone 

I’m an artist who can do both pixels and digital arts also I can do animations and I’m looking for a team with interesting projects and ideas and serious about making games 

If you interested please send a message on discord ZA#1451

Hi ! I’m an artist and I’m interested to join your team, I can do pixel art  and digital art and also animations and I already sent you on discord ZA#1451


This is my discord and I’m interested !

I’m an artist and I want to team up to make a game in this jam !

I’m an artist and want help to make a game and have fun in this jam !

If you want to work with me contact me on discord ! ZA#1451