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Combat Dices Team

A member registered Nov 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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We have released several updates. In the updates we corrected some of the comments received from players. Do you think the game has gotten better?

You can download the demo version from the game page As always, we will be very glad if you share your thoughts on what you liked and, most importantly, what you didn’t like about the game. Also, don’t forget to add the game to your collections so you don’t miss the release of new cool updates.

Here we would like to hear your ideas for game characters, mythological monsters and small text events in the style of rpg dialogues. In general, any ideas relevant to the game :-)

Maybe you think it would be interesting to fight a monster that deals damage at the end of the turn to the entire vanguard of heroes if the monster did not move. Or maybe a situation from some work of fiction would look good in the game? Please feel free to share your thoughts with us, we are open to discussion.

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Hello game and adventure fans!

We are working on a turn-based RPG in a mythological and futuristic setting. Our game is called Myth Landers. Link to free demo vertion

The main features of the game that we would like to implement are:

  1. Turn-based battles, similar to puzzles and board games. This means no things like mindless clicking, large and fractional values, and uncontrollable randomness. Ultimately, in most cases, the player’s planning and skill should be more effective than the player characters’ stats.
  2. As replayable as possible with a relatively linear plot. This is a procedural generation of events that can occur in locations. Various combinations of heroes and their opponents. Random modification of enemy stats. And easy resource grinding.
  3. Simple, but not primitive visuals, similar to games on old consoles, like the Sega Mega Drive II.
  4. A combination of the mythology of 4 cultures and high technology of the distant future.

Please rate the minimal demo of our game and share with us what you DISLIKED most about the demo. This will greatly help us focus on fixing the real problems in the game and make it possible to have a more interesting gaming experience.

Thanks for your time! You can also leave feedback on our Discord server dedicated to the game And please don’t forget to add the game to your collection so you don’t miss news and updates with fixes to your comments.

So this is my first game. And I used this feature with devlogs. Cool stuff! But I don’t understand why include an archive with the game if it still can’t be downloaded from the devlog.

But you chatted me up and I almost forgot to leave a link to the game. Here it is! turn-based RPG-like game about mythology in sci-fi futuristic world.

Hello, everyone! I am currently developing TESTAMENT, a turn-based tactics game with RPG elements set in a mythological and sci-fi world. The game is actively in development, and I aim to release a minimal demo soon. I would appreciate your feedback on how you perceive the game based on the description and game materials. As a newcomer to game development and store page design, your comments and ratings will be invaluable in helping me improve. Thank you for your input as I strive to create an engaging and vibrant game!

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Hello everyone! We are currently working on visual for our game. Our team has made new concepts and is improving existing art. Our fresh devlog is dedicated to this topic.

Concept of a new hero Amazon

Historically, amazons consider themselves mightly daughters of Ares, the God of war. Our Amazon is a very strong DD that is effective against biological creatures.

Improving the portrait of a Shaolin monk

We have received a lot of feedback on hero's portraits. There is improved version of Shaolin monk:

Do you think we have chosen the right path?


We also saw problems with the design of some of the monsters. For example, the wolf and the aspid do not fit well into the world of the future. In the game these monsters look like this:

We decided to add some future elements to these monsters. At the moment we have made simple concepts for the appearance of the digital wolf and the aspid:

Animations of robber skills

We worked on the animations of the Slavic robber - one of the unique heroes of the game. The first skill, “Morena's Arrows”, hits the mutiple enemies team. The second skill, “Baltic Storm”, attacks only one enemy, but inflicts very impressive damage. With the hero's buffs, "Baltic Storm" can destroy an enemy monster with one shot, as demonstrated in the video. Please note that the animations are still a work in progress.

Improving the Dark Thicket location

Now this location is closer to the style of the heathen Slavs and contains some futuristic environmental objects. What do you think? In the comments we will be happy to hear your feedback and sugesstions.

Add the game to your collection to learn about the progress of the project. And influence the game.

You can also subscribe to our social networks:

See you soon!

Devlog - October

We are now actively creating game content and getting rid of temporary things. We are also working to make tactical battles with unique mechanics more understandable to players. For example, we worked on improving the visual effects, making taking damage more vivid and understandable.

Videos show new animations of the combat movements of our heroes.

We are actively creating concept art for new monsters and heroes to make both look interesting and convey the atmosphere of the game world. The combination of attributes of ancient cultures and futurism is especially difficult thing in the design.

We also fixed many bugs and took the feedback into account that we and the game community discovered. Thank you for not remaining indifferent and commenting on the game!

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A little preface

Hi folk! We, as a small indie-team of enthusiasts, have come a long way in developing the TESTAMENT game. There is still an gigantic amount of work ahead. But we will see it through to the end. We decided to publish short devlogs so that the community has a better idea of both the progress and development vector, as well as how the game looks now and will look in the end.

A brief introduction for the uninitiated

TESTAMENT is an exciting turn-based tactical game with RPG elements in a fantasy world where the mythology of the distant past and the sci-fin of a dark future merge. In our original game setting, there are as many as four ancient cultures - the Proto-Slavs, the ancient Chinese, the Greeks and the Egyptians. The main idea is the battles of heroes against disgusting monsters from myths and fairy tales. The game is painted in an old-school pixel style with dark synthetic soundtracks.

Currently the team has three members and several agreements with hired artists. The game has passed the early prototype stage and is now preparing a public demo version.

The game has a placeholder here Join us to support the development of the project and follow the news.