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Here's the link to the game:

By downloading this game and giving your reviews it will help me a lot in improving this game and presenting a lot more features and play time that will highly improve your experience

Hey everyone I have released a new zip file for my game that is improved upon the earlier version and has new feature i.e high score where you challenge yourself to beat your high score and keep improving yourself in the "DEFENDER" game. Here is the link. Do visit and give yourself a opportunity to download the game and enjoy the experience:

Hey everyone CODYBROS here again present to show an update regarding the game. The high score system in the "DEFENDER" game that I had showed using an youtube video has now been fixed and works properly.Get ready to up your game and improves your high score to reach the top.I know it is paid game and trust issues are likely to arise but trust me this is going to be a valuable amount to spent to play this game!!!

Here's the link to the game:


I have made some improvements over my game considering that it had some glitches and gameplay issues to deal with. Here is the information of the improvements that have been made in my project:

->Spaceship Goal game

1.Fixed spaceship glitching in the third environment especially passing through the door

2.The "Medic" element in the fourth environment despawns automatically after touching with the player and gives HP. This was a best alternative done to make the gameplay a bit better

->Defender game

1.Yes guys its finally fixed!! The score and high score now works flawlessly. Your bullet score will increase every time the bullet hits the asteroid element. Get ready to be competitive and improve your high score.

->Boss Battle game

1.Recreated the environment ,UI and the character which fights against the devil fat boss! This changes was done to make the game more space-centric. Controls are same as the "Spaceship goal" game. 

Hope you will enjoy playing the game. Download it from here ->

Thank you for seeing this post

(1 edit)

Hey everyone I wanted to showcase working of High Score System in my "Defender" game where I in my project description mentioned it as an limitation of my game. The above video shows how it works. I would like to have your comments on how can I make this work fully. If confused in this video I showed how manually changing the score value that is set higher than "high score" value increases the high score after I have failed the game. And the data real time also gets stored in the "Player Prefs" section.

Scratch created game


Main Menu


My apologies, Here are some of the screenshots of my game including the user interface: Boss battle

(1 edit)

Hey everyone CODYBROS here. I have recently developed a game known as PROTOTYPE LEVEL which is a 2d game involving the concept of login system, diverse games. Although it is at a prototype stage the game aims to deliver best gameplay experience at its potential to the different players. Here's the link of the game Additionally being a solo developer not having extensive programming knowledge I would be happy if you share your reviews whether negative or positive and I will try my best as a solo developer to make improvements in the game. 

I've poured countless hours into refining and polishing this prototype, ensuring that each element contributes to a cohesive and enjoyable gaming experience. And while it may still be a work in progress, I believe that the effort and dedication put into this project deserve recognition.

By offering this game as a paid prototype, I hope to convey the value of the hard work and time invested in its creation. Your support not only helps me continue to pursue my passion for game development but also encourages further innovation and refinement of this project.

Thank you for considering supporting my journey as an indie game developer. I can't wait for you to experience the fruits of this labor firsthand!

 Navigating Through Challenges

Hey everyone,

It's been quite a journey since the inception of our Unity project. Today, I wanted to take a moment to share some insights into the challenges we've encountered along the way and how we're addressing them.

1. Audio Immersion Constraints: One of the primary challenges we're facing is achieving full audio immersion throughout the game. Presently, our in-game audio is limited to specific screens like the Firebase login and main menu. While this isn't ideal, we're actively exploring ways to integrate audio seamlessly into all aspects of gameplay to enhance the overall player experience.

2. High Score System Troubles: Another hurdle we've hit is with our high score system. Due to technical issues, the system isn't functioning as intended, impacting the scoring mechanism across the game. Despite our best efforts, resolving this issue has proven to be more complex than anticipated. Rest assured, we're dedicated to finding a solution that restores the system to full functionality.

3. Solo Development Struggles: As a solo developer, navigating through these challenges has been both daunting and rewarding. Balancing development tasks, troubleshooting issues, and maintaining momentum single-handedly has certainly been a test of perseverance. However, it's also been an invaluable learning experience, pushing me to grow and adapt with each obstacle encountered.

While these challenges may seem daunting, they're also an integral part of the game development process. Every setback presents an opportunity for innovation and improvement. As we continue to push forward, I'm confident that we'll overcome these hurdles and deliver an exceptional gaming experience.

Stay tuned for more updates as we work through these challenges and move closer to our project goals!

Best, Harshit garg