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A member registered Dec 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback!

I have pipelines that deploy projects, which use an api key to do the publishing. Once the key is set up as a secret I cannot see what the key is, and in the dashboard keys are only listed as the key itself, so if one of my keys gets breached I would either need to remember which key went to which project, or revoke and replace all of them.

Would it be possible to have a way to name a key? When I generate a key be able to set a name for it eg ‘project x pipeline’ so if project x is compromised I know which key needs to be revoked?

Used this in a game designed by my five year old. He will not stop laughing at it.

Do other Godot games work? Try another browser? Working ok here on chrome.

Just tried it on 90.0.2 (64-bit) with no errors.

Did a little digging on this, have you updated firefox?

Yea, They are all works in progress. The second was actually the first I made. Third was for testing the ladder mechanic more.

Unfortunately there are some arrows that friendship can’t shield you from.

The corner jump or the jump to the roof?

Haha thank you!

Nice work! You have a lot more patience then myself.

Nice work! You have a lot more patience then myself.

Thank you. It was pretty fun to put together.

Nice, I think the current record is 12k in play mode

59k :D

Thanks! The music credit goes completely to MercuriusFM. I showed him a prototype and that’s all the direction I gave.

It puts you back to your last good ground location, so if you’re standing on the ground, that’s where it puts you. It’s there in case you get stuck in a bridge etc

Thanks. a good amount of attention was put into the time between plays.

The drift took a little tweaking, but it feels really good when you get the hang of it!

So much clicking. a mini-map to identify hot spots would be interesting.

It took WAY too long to land this :D

Is it possible to escape? I kept having panic attacks and then losing or if i was careful id run out of time. both ways i was wayyy far away from the edge of the city.

I think it would delay the stress a bit, little less ammo management.

Lots of power slides, some doughnuts, and a little cheese will get you there.

Nothing wrong with some cheese!

Nice couple of levels. Quickly got comfortable with the controls, but never used the faster fire rate.

Took a minute to figure out, the tutorial was cut off/slow. When you start erroring and smoking, it feels pretty helpless.

Interesting idea growing ammo etc.

Took a little to get the hang of it. The reload after three shots was more stressful than fun.

Piled up dead bodies until I was able to escape into the abyss behind the house. Sometimes as a bug, you gotta make your own fun, with the corpses of the past.

While reading the instructions the bull ran off the edge of the world into the abyss. Had to stop and restart the app to try again. (Needs a play and restart button)

Second run I got to about 1k points before I couldn’t take the mooing, and got stuck in a corner.

Nice assets though ;) the bull doesn’t quite match everything else.

Missed the day progress bar because of the default webgl template scrolled down.

Do sad kids infect other kids with sadness? it seems like one would start then the whole area was crying.

Really stuck to the theme! I kept getting randomly blindsided by some asteroid/satellite. Not having any influence or reaction time was really frustrating, on top of the intentional frustration of the crazy controls.

Had a lot of fun using the recoil to run backwards faster. The camera kept clipping into the geometry though so id go blind for a second.

Nice! Have you landed on top of the building with the billboard on it yet?

Time constraints so goals got cut. The ideas are there for the post jam version