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Coconut CreamPie

A member registered Jun 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm so sad but so happy at the same time seeing the development of game come to an end. This game is one of my favorites ever. This game will always hold a special place in my heart and I'm super pumped to see future projects.

see you in 38 years

i love butterfly soup!!!

This is so cool??! The music was good I liked the colors and it was fun trying to click all the circles! this was very fun to play :DD

(2 edits)

you have to look at everything including the hill near the area where the fence is if you go left, I'm pretty sure you should reach the hill (I had trouble finding that area)

it'll also hover the shovel over spots you need to dig up if you can't find where to dig

if you are still having trouble maybe look up a video if there are any?

fun game, cute art style, I liked it!


im tearing up now  cryig

love this game it was the first game I ever downloaded off of it holds a special place in my heart

I Love this game!!! I've deleted and re-written this comment so many times trying to get my point across, but I loved everything about this game! I love your art style and the way you wrote it made it so easy to get into and visualize what they were talking about! I also really liked the music and sound effects! If this is in development then I'm super excited to see more! (≧∇≦)/