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A member registered Feb 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Nice, How long do you think it will take you? and can i see some examples of your work?

I know your supposed to be our competition. But wow, this game made me want to go back to the drawing board. WARNING, THIS GAME IS SUPER ADDICTIVE!!!!! excellent across the board, all you need to do now is start a kick starter and marketing campaign...I'm sorry, im just speechless right now...*staring up at the ceiling...thought i was playing for 5 min not 30 min...smh. only complaint is, please warn us next time you make something so addictive lol.

Game jam ends June 23

Theme of our game is a stranded dilapidated/disrepair spaceship that uses a magnet to collect debris as well as move around.
Cartoon style

Need these assets:
Bullseye target
Circle image ray for tractor beam
Triangle image ray for tractor beam
4 variation designs of Asteroids rocks
Space garbage : soda can, chips bag, magazine, toilet paper
Space collectable : shiny rock in
White Shiny Rock
Navy blue shiny rock
Gold shiny rock
Oxygen Tank
Trash bag

spaceship (that will have a tractor beam)

Background space layer
Mid ground space layer
Foreground space layer

Space themed Menu UI design (destroyed ship illustration concept art)

Hello, We are a team of 3, and we are looking for a Programmer or Programmers to help us finish this 2d game that will playable on web and mobile before the jam ends June 23.  The game will only have one level that is extremely well polished. However, I will be your primary contact and play tester to make sure there are no communication issues or conflicting ideas. The game will also require "login /register to hyplay", with more information available about implementation in the discord server and website: 

You are free to use whatever engine you are comfortable using. We are also open to discuss work arounds for executing some of the ideas below.

Gameplay details:
Goal of game is to Collect Debris to sell for credits/points and use parts collected to upgrade your tractor beam. Also push away asteroid that can destroy your ship.

one Level
ship is stationary:
-use back, middle, and fore ground layers moving in one direction at different speeds (or parallax not connected to the player) to show that ship is stuck in a field of moving debris. the layers should loop so that player can play until he dies.  (May also have Smoke animation from ship to show visual that ship is damaged)

-Ship has a tractor beam on onboard, Clicking on the spaceship would invert the tractor beam (with visual indication).  

-clicking/touching (since we want this to work on web and mobile) anywhere that's not the ship would simply orient/turn that ship in the direction/point that was clicked holding down would engage the magnet. 
-player would use the magnet to collect valuables and debris

-the magnet can also be inverted to repel asteroids that damage the ship. the player would keep playing until the ship killed.

-there would be points system for the collectables:
Garbage bag asset = soda can, Scrap metal, Toilet paper -  0 pts
oxygen tanks asset - 2pts
white Shiny Rock asset = Stardust -10pts
Navy blue shiny rock asset =  alien corpse/artifacts- 20pts
Gold shiny rock asset =  Toilet paper - 50pts

collecting the asset will open a prompt telling you what you just collected in the HUD

asteroids will hurt your spaceship health bar
Death would automatically bring player to Menu screen
Menu screen would then show how many points were collected in that session to be used in the store.

-Play game
-Store (Tractor beams equip upon purchase)
    -basic tractor beam = 0 pts
    -advanced tractor beam = 500 pts
    -interstellar Tractor beam =1000 pts
      -Music off
      -sfx off
    -sound level control

The store  in the main menu that only has three options
1) basic tractor beam  (small area for tractor beam)
2) advanced tractor beam (medium area for tractor beam)
3) Interstellar Tractor beam (triangle shaped tractor beam that allows you to pull in materials with more precision)

Leaderboards would reflect each session, and show who got the highest points in a session.

-taping or clicking the spaceship/player with your mouse or finger = (target shows up displaying where you just clicked and the ship orients in that direction.
-tapping or clicking outside the space with your mouse or finger
-tap/click and hold outside the spaceship turns on the tractor beam to start repelling or pulling in debris.

Thank you for your time and don't hesitate to reach out.

Great game. I fell off the level when i went to the left in level 2, and i also died when going to high, don't know if that was intentional. The controls were uncomfortable for me to be honest. just wish the options for keys were a little closer together since my "z" button on my keyboard is damaged, the game was a little difficult for me. But the idea of gliding up walls was awesome. the mechanics were super tight, 
Awesome work 

(1 edit)

Great job. Thank you for not being too scared to touch on political concepts. This game was extremely fun and addicting. I love the popular culture cartoon and anime references dancing in the background. I am willing to call this post modern art.  Great work making the most of your resources and knowledge. im wondering what happens if this team makes another game. I need to know what happens on the next episode! P.S. definitly submit this to an art gallery/exhibition, you will win. 

Great game, the steering was really hard but i got used to it after the third attempt, I guess that's in line with the theme. My one complaint is that the camera needs to be further away so I can see the track, i could not tell when a turn was coming up, but other then that, Super high quality production. From the page setup, to the gameplay video that got me hyped up, i felt like i was in the arcade for a second waiting to put my quarter in. Everything was so well polished, i'd think you paid a professional studio to make this game. Nevertheless i hope the people that made this stick together and keep jamming. Keep up the good work!

This game was amazing, i love the sense of humor.  only thing that would have made it challenging is a time limit. Amazing job.

Nice game! Has the potential to be super fun, wish it was easier to play though. Also would be nice to get some sound effect or visual feedback letting me know if I successfully caught what I think are tear drops? But great job

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yup, dm me on discord, i go by the same name

:) nope, just want credit


Feel free to reach out to me on discord:

I have no graphic design skills but i can assist with sfx. hit me up on discord:

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Hello i would like to assist you, if i am not too late
i can do sound design and music 
and i can also help out with game design ideas

Hello, i do sound design and music. Looking to join a team. i can also help out with creative game design ideas and creative workarounds. may i reach out? or are your positions filled?

Hello, im also interested in assisting with sound designing and music composition. I am willing to work with others sound and audio artist if you will have me.

Hey i can do 
sound design
and assist with game design for coming up with creative solutions.

mind if i join?

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab

My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also good at coming up with game ideas.

I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Sound Designer looking to Collab
My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills
I composed and designed sounds for this game 

Tried playing through browser, some time to load and the screen was pixelated so i guess my computer couldn't handle the game. im using a macbook pro m1. so i guess its a GPU problem. kind of ruined the experience for me since it was hard to see  things. but great music and sound effect on the doors and item pickups. everything was also clear and easy to learn thanks to the pop up dictation. Great job!

Great tutorial tho, wish more games did this good at explaining the game play, i know exactly how to do everything.

Dont mind charging attack but it seems i can only hurt enemies to the right of my character.  wish i move while attacking. and more indicator when i get hurt like a screen  shake thats noticable. But good game just needs a little more polish.

Great game and mechanics are well polished. Would love screen shake when breaking through doors. also wish the left screen would be considered a death, makes the game kind of hard. maybe just make the left side a barrier that pushes you into death objects.

nice music, i think this game would a killer phone game. i recommend some kind of enemies and allowing for point higher than 20+. But very fun

(1 edit)

message me on discord 

Making Contact.

Hello, I am looking for a team to work with the goal of gaining experience and building my portfolio. I have NO experience with +FMOD or programming, and i am completely new to the game jam space. I'd also be happy to work with other composers and sound designers.

My skills include video editing & Sound design & Music Composition

Example of Video edits

My work with sound design and music production

Thank you for your time 

Hello, I am looking for a team to work with the goal of gaining experience and building my portfolio. I have NO experience with +FMOD or programming, and i am completely new to the game jam space. I'd also be happy to work with other composers and sound designers.

My skills include video editing & Sound design & Music Composition

Example of Video edits

My work with sound design and music production

Thank you for your time 

Hello, I am looking for a team to work with the goal of gaining experience and building my portfolio. I have NO experience with +FMOD or programming, and i am completely new to the game jam space. I'd also be happy to work with other composers and sound designers.

My skills include video editing & Sound design & Music Composition

Example of Video edits

My work with sound design and music production

Thank you for your time 

Hello, I am looking for a team to work with the goal of gaining experience and building my portfolio. I have NO experience with +FMOD or programming, and i am completely new to the game jam space. I'd also be happy to work with other composers and sound designers.

My skills include video editing & Sound design & Music Composition

Example of Video edits

My work with sound design and music production

Thank you for your time 

Hello, I am looking for a team to work with the goal of gaining experience and building my portfolio. I have NO experience with +FMOD or programming, and i am completely new to the game jam space. I'd also be happy to work with other composers and sound designers.

My skills include video editing & Sound design & Music Composition

Example of Video edits

My work with sound design and music production

Thank you for your time