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Chris Gray

A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Enjoyed playing this. I understand that spell 2 isn't accurate but whats the correct way to use it? Is it just a powerful spell that is balanced by having it so you can't easily control it? Just wondering for next time I play :)

I just wanted to come back and say that graphically I think this is my favourite game in the jam lol. Whenever I see the icon scrolling through the entries it makes me laugh lol.

Yeah my big regret is that theme kind of fell apart towards the end. Initially you were escaping from a sort of "glitch" or "cloud" that would start at the left and kind of follow you along getting closer to you. I got so caught up in making everything else that I forgot about this until about 3 hours before the deadline. 

The cloud/glitch also felt like a big art task which is why I put it off in the first place. Almost everything in this game is extremely simple or a recolour of something else but the cloud would have had to have been quite a detailed asset. Or at least it felt that way because I couldn't quite picture what it looked like in my head.

Game is good but very difficult. Would be good if you could use the keyboard to restart when you die instead of having to use the mouse

I really like the lo-res graphics. It has a fun atmosphere which reminds me of retro PC games. I'm bad at the game though best I got was 102.

Yeah the drift mechanic didn’t really come together. I wanted it to be something you could use to take sharp turns which is the main reason why the Z shaped tiles are in there but unfortunately I couldn’t get it doing exactly what I imagined and didn’t really have the time to sit and fine tune it. After the jam I’ll probably tweak it a bit and see if I can get it working better. 

Objects spawn in faster than I can register them but I really like the art style in this game. Its great haha

I liked it a lot. Fun game and pretty novel concept. Loved the 1-bit graphics.

Scored 341! Great game!

Thanks! The game is actually really simple. Almost all the objects in the game are circles which sped things up a lot and the levels themselves are just single pixel line drawings which I spammed the outline tool on 6 times adding different colours. Then the palette swaps when you do different runs are just that, they're the same levels with hue shifting. 

Ah I got you. I need to go back and try again then as I thought it was an endless game where you had to surive as long as possible. I didn't know you could actually get out of the house :)

I love the look of the game it reminds me of Parappa the Rapper. But I was a little confused about the music in the game as it seemed to be giving me instructions I wasn't able to wrap my head around?

No game :(

lol this is awesome. I loved it

Quite an interesting idea! I scored 62 then managed to trap myself on a single square and had to forfiet lol

Game seems interesting but I can't quite figure out how to play it? Do I type out a word beginning with the highlighted letter? Please could you tell me how to play so I can try again haha

Not quite sure how to score in this game but I managed to survive for 1:24 seconds!

I've hit a bug I think. When I try to start the game it just freezes up. I can hear some sound but the game itself doesn't actually start.

Relaxing game! I scored 23330.

Loved the aesthetics of the this game. Was a little tough to get the ship parts to click into place though as it wasn't always obvious where to drag them to for it to registe rthe connection. Game was fun!

I reckon I'll enter then and if my game does well I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Might be the excuse I need to upgrade to the latest version of GameMaker.

Thanks for getting back to me :)

I'd be using an older copy of GameMaker to make my game. The LootLocker extension only supports version 2.3+ of GameMaker which I don't have. Would this be an issue that might disqualify me from making something for the jam or can I still participate?

On the rules section it says

"Planning before the jam is fine, and you are welcome to reuse some assets and code from previous projects, but it is something you should limit.

In the spirit of participating in a game jam, you should keep most of your development during the jam period to get the most out of it!"

So it sounds like you should be ok as long as you only do limited planning and don't do any proper development work until the jam starts :)

Thanks for making this video I really enjoyed watching it. I'm glad you liked the game :)

Really loved the art style!

I enjoyed this a lot. The limited field of view made it interesting and it was fun exploring and getting lost. Would be cool to expand this with some enemies or obstacles, and maybe add a few more mazes?

Best score I can get is 15 haha.

My initial thoughts are that I love the art style and the music. The gameplay is a cool idea but its a bit too hard for me haha. I'm finding it really difficult to navigate around the levels, this might change when I unlock some more of the power ups. I'll come back to it and give some more detailed thoughts if I can manage to get a little further.

Thanks so much. 

With your comment on the riddles I did that on purpose. The reason I did it this way is so you can’t just figure out the correct answer by picking the most logical option. 

I think the nature of the riddles it would be very obvious which is the right answer if it were to say it on screen somewhere in full

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm working on figuring out what a "lose" state might look like in this game as one of the biggest criticisms of this game is that there isn't really any way to lose. Its interesting you bring up sleep paralysis because I considered putting that into this game but due to the limited development time on the game jam I ended up leaving it out.

I just want to add that I really enjoyed your video and thought you analysis was really interesting. One other thing that will help me to improve on this game for the next one is watching how people play the game. Understanding the way players approach situations in this one will help me to craft a better experience next time around.

Like I say theres a couple of different things I want to make first whilst I think about exactly how Maere 2 is going to play out. But when I finally do get around to Maere 2 I hope it'll achieve a similar level of success. One of my biggest problems is I'm bad at communicating what I'm up to when I'm working, so perhaps I will try to keep a dev log for this next game to keep people informed of progress.

Thanks so much. A sequel is going to follow but I'm going to probably do a couple of other things first. I want to really spend some time getting Maere 2 right. I made this in a week so imagine what I could do with longer.

I also have to be very careful not to sacrifice the scariness whilst trying to make the game bigger. I think if I'm making another it needs to be even scarier than this one. I've got a lot to think about.

I’m going to make a sequel but it won’t necessarily be my next project. That said I make games quite quick so it won’t be forever away

I’m making a sequel at some point in the future. This one I only spent a week on due the jam rules and I’d like to put a lot more time into the next one. The sequel will be a longer game and involve the entire house. 

I liked it. The artwork was really polished. 

I too got quite familiar with Audacity last week haha. 

Really unique style. I love how everything appears inverted. Creates for a really cool atmosphere. I'm also really impressed by the audio design and the monster design. For someone who is just learning your work already has a very unique style to it.

Sure thing. Heres mine:

The graphics have a lot of charm. I enjoyed this!

Really loved the music and the graphics. Great job!