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A member registered Jul 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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5 days???? This looks like a full game. As always your art is beautiful and everything feels so real and I love it.

There’s no mobile support in the game

maybe 👀

thank you lol! I loved writing this game

Thank you for the comment. Could I ask you for your email?

Thanks a lot!


wow im so honored 😳


(1 edit)


thanks! I really appreciate it


Thanks! And yeah, Detective Paws was fun to make

Thanks a lot for this, made this lil game possible!

yup! It’s totally okay, as long as you follow the rules found in

Yup! As long as you have the rights to use them and credit the creators when necessary

Follow the link for source code + rules

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it :D


Thanks a lot! And wow! Being compared to Lucasarts really is surprising. Thanks for playing :D

Thank you so much! Pickles was my favorite character to write lol, I had so much fun. It was basically just adding a bunch of !!!! at the end of dumb phrases and screaming

omg that’s great to hear, hope she liked it!

Thanks! That’s all Kris! (literally, I still don’t know how he makes those sounds with his mouth)

Holy crap this is really good. And your first game jam??? Well done!

Thank you so much!! We really appreciate it. We’ll see if we make more in the future 👀

Thank you so much!

Thanks a lot! That would be nice. Again, couldn’t thank you enough for the addon.

We shall not be responsible for any heart-related injuries caused by playing our game. (Thanks for playing!)

This is great to hear! Thank you so much!

I’m really glad to hear that! I’ll make sure to check out your game when I can

Thank you so much!

Thanks a lot! Yeah that seems to be a bug with Popochiu 2.0, as it’s in alpha, but the dev works hard to fix them. Glad you liked it!

Same thing here. Seems to be an universal problem. Really annoying.

This was so nice!!! I gotta admit, it made me almost cry lol. Really fits the theme, and the art looks great. Reminds me of Coffee Talk. Good job!

Don’t feel sorry! Balance is hard lol, I struggle with it myself.

Great idea! It really fits the theme, and it’s super cozy. The only thing I could say is maybe the character’s a bit too slow? Makes finding the ingredients a bit tedious, and the map size doesn’t help much. Additionally, the font is hard to read. But other than that, the art, the music, the idea are all great. You could really expand this! Congrats!

The game looks great, but there’s some points where leaves spawn on top of other leaves, covering their equation. Maybe hovering over them would send them forward? That’s the only thing I could find though, well done!

The character feels great to play, and the game looks great, but it’s too frustratingly difficult at points. There are some really tight jumps, even when you first start, so it’s hard to even start playing it. I wasn’t able to finish it.

I’m so sorry our game killed you :(