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I am very surprised to hear the game is taking a while for you to load. I have tested the game on 3G cellular and on a raspberry pi; both had the game load within 4-5 seconds.

Yes, I am not an artist personally. I understand the visuals are terrible.

I have got feedback stating controls should be arrow keys or WASD; I will fix this after the jam.

Thank you for your feedback; you have helped me so much! :D

I had zero experience with making multiplayer games before this game jam. This was a very productive game jam for me! I can't emphasize how much I learned these past two weeks.

Thank you Phaser and Colyseus for making it fun to build multiplayer games in the browser!

Please leave feedback and let me know what you think!

(1 edit)

This has straight-up late 90's vibes. Reminds me of games in the computer lab at school. I love it

Let me know when you have your game live!

Let me know when you have your game live!


I thought of making a game just like this. This has a lot of potential. I love the concept. Great work!

Strange! I am not facing this issue. Perhaps there was a connection issue to where we host our assets during this time?

What an incredible journey this game jam has been! Working with my team of 7 has been an absolute blast. From conceptualizing the idea to the final submission, every step has been a learning curve and a chance to push our creative and technical skills to the limit.

We dove headfirst into the world of game development with Phaser, weaving together dynamic gameplay with React for the UI, and using Vite and NX for an efficient development workflow. The challenge of incorporating the game jam's limitation inspired us – what if Jeff Bezos extended Amazon Prime delivery to space? Thus, our game was born, focusing on the high-stakes world of interstellar cargo delivery.

Creating the main game was an exhilarating experience. We spent hours fine-tuning the mechanics to ensure that navigating through asteroid fields felt dangerous yet rewarding, and that the space battles were as intense as they were fun. The strategic gameplay elements, requiring players to make split-second decisions, were designed to immerse players in the role of a cadet of the Galactic Retrieval Unit.

Finding the perfect sound assets was like digging for treasure. Each sound effect and piece of background music had to enhance the ambiance, pulling players deeper into the cosmic setting of our game. When we finally saw (and heard) it all come together, the feeling was indescribable.

Creating the YouTube gameplay video/ad was another highlight. It allowed us to step back and see our game through the eyes of potential players. Crafting this video, we aimed to capture the essence of our game's adventure and the sheer fun of playing it. Watching the final cut, we felt a mix of pride and excitement – we couldn't wait for the world to see it.

And let's not forget the cookies! Six cookies fueled our late-night coding sessions, with one special cookie that will forever remain a cherished team meme.

In conclusion, this game jam has been an unforgettable experience. Not only did we create a game we're proud of, but we also forged stronger bonds as a team and expanded our horizons as developers. To everyone who embarks on the journey, we hope you find it as thrilling to play as it was for us to create. Here's to many more adventures in game development!

PHASER DEVS UNITE! I am so happy to see people still using Phaser. 

This was extremely well thought out! This was some amazing free entertainment LOL! Please keep working on this. This has a lot of potential 

Nice job on the assets! Great concept too!

Vibrant! It seems everyone is moving to Godot! I gotta learn it. I been stuck on Phaser for like 5 years… Great work!

This could be a endless remake. You could do Canadian Fishing Simulator next! You did an amazing  job on your assets!

PICO is awesome. I always come back to Phaser or Monogame, but I gotta try it. Cool game!

I love MUD

Nice work on the shadows. With the music and gameplay, its actually relaxing. Great work!

The UI and assets are impressive. Great work!

LOL super creative and fun!

Great concept! I struggled playing with a trackpad; but that is more my problem :P

This game needs more ratings! I briefly tried it and had fun. This has a lot of RPG potential. Great work on the assets too!

Wow this is super polished. I am impressed and I had a lot of fun playing it. I really really really like the artwork and sounds. This has a lot of potential replayability as well. Great work!

Thank you for your feedback and for enjoying the game! We're really glad to hear it put your typing skills to the test and that you liked the sound and music. Your suggestion about providing feedback when a typing error occurs is excellent. Understanding where mistakes were made can indeed help improve typing skills and enhance the gaming experience. We'll definitely consider implementing a feature that gives more insight into errors for future updates. Thanks again for your valuable input and support!

Nothing cooler than flying fish :P Great work on the assets! Super creative :)

I love rhythm games. There was another really good rhythm game submitted that I enjoyed haha! I also never heard of FireAlpaca; I will have to check it out. Great work!

Great job on the music! What software did you use to make it?

Great work on the sound! What did you use?

I love this haha! This is super creative. Amazing job on the assets by the way!

Winner winner chicken dinner :P

It's fun just running around the map haha! Good job on the movement/physics. I really like the art work too

LETS GO! 11 HIGH SCORE! I like how catching the fish plays a sound similar to the background music. Great work!

The music slaps! I love it. Artwork is top notch too. Amazing work!

I never heard of Clickteam Fusion 2.5? I will have to check it out. Great work on your game!!!

Nice work on submitting a 3d game in this time frame! Awesome that it is web based too! Great work!

I kind of needed a tutorial, but I eventually got it. Great concept!

I agree, it is a good base! 

Very hard game, but it could be my skillset lol! Great work! I love to see people using aseprite too!

I am super impressed. There is a lot here playability here. Great work!