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A member registered Jul 17, 2022

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Hi, I'm Andrea
I'm from Rome, didn't play that much recently, but I think this website's cool
Hope you're gonna grow up over and over again
Indie games are a very important part of the market especially in the future years ;)

Before saying anything I have to precise that I only use Windows at today's date, so that's not a post that I'm publishing for my own interest.
What happened to the Linux gaming community since the day Steam Deck was launched has been just incredible.
Many people can now play a bunch of Windows videogames without a single effort.
Unfortunately there are still some stores who don't actively support that OS when it comes to videogames.
In the last couple of years I've met a very special program called Heroic Games Launcher which basically allows you to do the same thing as Steam, but with other distributors such as Epic, GOG etc.
I think it could be a nice idea for Itch to make a partnership with them in order to expand this website's popularity (Heroic Launcher is open source, and their community is very welcoming)
From my side as a Windows user, the only huge advantage at using HGL is that I can install my Epic Store games without needing the Epic Launcher, but I think that you could certainly have something in return by doing this :)
Ofc that's just a suggestion ^^