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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback, yep, we didn't have the time to finish the game unfortunately... hopefully we'll manage to spend a bit more time on it to make it proper!

thank you ^^ we hope to make it a proper game, we'll see where it goes =D

You make very valid posts. Thank you for pointing that out, I'm sorry and I'll follow your recommendation =)


Are you planning for a fallout, post-apocalyptic setting for your next party? or your next game scenario setting begins in a desertic area?

I’m a pro game artist who worked on a couple of indie and mobile games over the years. I love making isometric and modular game art to create and enrich worlds in game engines and VTTs. I made 64 assets separated in 2 packs, it's not pixel art =):

  • 2*32 isometric and modular game art as PNG files
  • 256px wide resolution
  • 512px wide resolution (more or less, depends on assets)
  • A Unity Package containing the 512px textures assets and an isometric palette to begin your level design right away! Make sure to set up the Pixel Per Unit at the asset’s width to match it with your grid! (A demo here of how it looks like in Unity) / PS: the grid alignment is now fixed =)

Don’t waste any more time looking for game art that doesn’t convey what you want to say: Download the pack here and engage your players with a unique art style that resonates with them!

Let me know what you think!

All the best!

Thank you! I let the musicians know, it's a good idea thank you!

Nice game! very well presented, and loved the gameplay, though the coordination is quite hard to get (I'm not that good at it though) congrats!

Loved the artstyle! minimalistic but so effective, it was very simple to understand as well and fun to play with congrats!

So hard, couldn't get past 6 but love the idea,  really good on reflexes and reflexion. Congrats!

Il est top le jeu ! C'est trop dommage que vous l'ayez link après la jam mais c'est quand meme plus simple avec les sons en effet. En tout cas bien joué à vous il est super beau et bien réalisé!

What an original idea! it was fun to play and finish the game !

Hey! Cool concept! I was afraid it would be difficult to apprehend but it was simple and fun to play ^^ The theme was nice as well, well done! (38 was my best score....)

The rythm game is interesting though it took some time to understand what were the controls, as a non qwerty user. I guess it's only a detail though. Well done for a 12h jam!

Thank you!

Thank you very much!! Also well done for getting 8400!

Hey! Thanks a lot, yes it is handdrawn =). The goal is to survive as long as possible, player loses life and needs to leech off enemies to heal itself.

Thank you very much! Yes indeed it's not clear you can use both Mouse clics, my bad, I'll update the control picture on the page in  a bit ^^"

Woow the art is perfect on that game! really cool game, well done and all, congrats!

hahaha that wololo xD

I played more than I should've haha, love the art, it goes so well with the theme and the humoristic touch. Very funny game

Wow, simple but really efficient. Design wise and visually it's all that is need. Quite elegant ^^ The puzzles are quite fun to do

Love the idea! great presentation, it took a bit of time (really a tiny bit) to understand the mechanics but once I got the hold of it it went great. The puzzles are well made, love it!

Hey great job ! Really love the idea of the link you added between the 2 characters

Thank you for playing! Hope you'll get better =)

Amazing feeling for this game, and the idea is really original, well done !

Oh god that's awesome xD I'll go back play more haha I need to enjoy other player's characters ! 

Thank you for the feedbacks ! Glad you liked it ! We thought about the chain but couldn't add it due to time constraints =/ But yeah could be a nice touch !

The game is super cute ! Loved the artstyle and the story !

Hahaaha that game is so realistic ! I got angry at the cat as well. but he's....too....cute. but so annoying ! Let me finish that freakin' code part !!
really well done ! 

Hahaaaa that game's so cool ! How do you put other recorded patterns in the game ? Was the game connected to the internet while playing ? Is it a fake mechanic to add later ? How ? =o It's just awesome, the game is really well presented and it feels satisfying. Well done !

The art and theme/sound gives an eerie, calming atmosphere I really enjoyed ! The gameplay was a bit weird though and I didn't really understood it but the game is beautiful.

It's a cool game ! Only thing is I wished it could be downloaded as the webGL version can get laggy on some computers it seems (I saw this o many games including ours)..  The pixel art is great !

Hey ! I just finished my queue ratings finally =D I tried your game, it's fantastic ! The idea is original, the art, the sfx are on point and the game feels great as a whole. Well done !
The dices are such a cool mechanic and the way they roll with the icons on them reminds me some boardgames or videogames/anime from the 2000's probably but can't pinpoint it again... This to say, it felt nostalgic x). Another thing, the tutorial is engaging and the way you explained everything ingame is nice of you and your team. Definitely helps.
The big hand is funny to use too.

Thanks !

Thank you for your feedback !

The game mechanics are interesting and well done so far. I like how you need to connect the various cables to the orders of the car ! Nice job !

Interesting mechanics ! I like how you need to choose but felt the game was easy in the beginning, maybe by adding more noise to the random movements would suffice to make it totally chaotic. Great game though well done !

It took a moment to understand what was going on but when it clicked (haha) it was quite fun !  beautifully done but quite hard. Well done !

Thank you !!

I love this game. It's beautiful and well balanced. A bit hard to read all this information in the skill tree but once understood it goes smoothly. I love it.

Original idea, we really liked it ! the storyline though simple, is funny and is a nice twist to usual gun games. Well done !

Cutting the grass has a very satisfying SFX