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A member registered Jul 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Woohoo... excellent work... 👍👍

Never mind...closed the 30-odd tabs that were open on Chrome and it started fine...

I have been trying to get the game to start, but it doesn't start and i get this error message

Excellent 😁👍

How big is the apk for the 0.06 release? Afraid my aging android tablet might not be able to run it...

It is free, but you could do the decent thing and toss a few dollars their way...

I really want to reinstall this and give it another whirl...but with the new update dropping any day now...

For those of us who are a little slow on the uptake, or almost half a century old and a little out of touch, could you expand on this...

"Game now supports AGUI onahole as an input device"

Interesting...death or the d...

Had the same problem on my pc running it on whatever microsoft is calling their browser this week...

Sounds good. For the record, using a 7 inch android tablet...

Any chance you will be able to tighten up your file size? I love your game, but only just managed to get it to work on my aging android device. At the current rate, future apk files are going to be too large for me to run.

Can't wait to see more girls and uniforms...

I am enjoying the game, well done. Just wondering if anyone has an optimised chore order, since i started the shopping I have not been able to complete the full list. It is mildly aggravating.

Brilliant work. Clara was a masterwork. Well done.

No idea what was going on with the murderous redhead, but very cool artwork on it...

This was really well done. Would love to see it ported to android...

I am finding that the game is crashing when I am punishing Rachel, when I put her over Sally's knee. Every time. Cannot advance this storyline at all.

Love the pointy ears. By chance my skins came in green and turned Jun into a goblin girlfriend...brilliant...

Is there anything after you are fucking them both? You seem unable to stop having sex after a certain point.

the elven village hasn't shown on the map...

How do you get back to the elven village after you start breeding elves?

Could have done without the spoilers...

Looks okay, however I cannot seem to scroll the research page in the browser version on my tablet. 

(2 edits)

This task is forever beyond me. My device is too slow to generate the extra castles while the timer is ticking down. Best I can get is 8... damn...

I have enjoyed the game so far.

A little confused by the sandcastle test. Am I supposed to be clicking on the moving castle? Or dragging it? If clicking, how many times?

Excellent, managed to get saves working. Not so great, the load button on the main menu page doesn't work. Very sad, despite saving after every scene shift and/or dialogue, the game still crashes at the top of the stairs. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong

Finding the game crashes quite quickly, and the dialogue bar is covering the access to the menu so I cannot save. Perhaps adding a menu button to the top corner on Android so we can actually get at it. Game looks great otherwise...

Would it be possible to add the "Feed" link to the dropdown menu under a members name? Since this promotion started I have been unable to access the feed due to screen size. Thanks. know...go back into the game five minutes after posting about it and woohoo brunette nun...

No, didn't know about the itch app. Does it help?

(1 edit)

So, I'm playing 0.8c on a samsung android tablet (galaxy tab A, model sm-t350). I think I've been dating the brunette nun for about a fortnight, and all I'm getting is kisses, similarly the elf is only giving head. Given that I'm having to save every scene because the game crashes at the faintest hint of action or intimacy, I'm guessing there is a bug preventing the relationships from advancing. Or have I missed something?

Love the game. Was really hopeful this update would let it run on my sadly dated samsung android tablet, but unfortunately it keeps crashing before the first scene even starts. Maybe the next update will do it...

Is there a walkthrough? Do we get a companion at any point?

Good game. Getting a little bummed at the pacing. Do we get companions/party members? If so who is the first and when?

One comment/complaint for the beginning of the game...the mission to collect the axe for the executioner...having to fork out more than 600 gold in return for the pissy little scrap of info was brutal. In fact, i spent much of the early game not spending cash on better gear or healing in case the next quest was going to cost me everything i had (and they did)...