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Trouble playing Godot games in web browser

A topic by nemuigabi created 62 days ago Views: 308 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Ok, so I mainly use to play other people's games. I'm also poor, so I don't typically look to purchase games unless it's something really good and highly recommended in the community. So, that leaves me with playing games in browser. However, whenever I play certain Godot games in browser, I get this error,


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:

Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

This is when I play in Firefox. If I change my browser to Google Chrome, my tab(s) crashes. Is this an issue on my part, or an issue with the publishing of the games? If there's something I can do on my part that might solve this, I would like to know how I can fix it. If not, then that's ok too.

These errors must be corrected by the person who uploaded the game.

Itch provides the appropriate headers, but the person who uploaded the game must activate the corresponding flags in Itch, there are a couple of posts in this same forum that explain in detail how to do this.

There is nothing you as a player can do except notify the developers of each game that gives you the error.

Unless we talk about near zero view counter games, should not the developer know that their game does not run correctly? Like, at all.

If it were a general problem of the published game, I mean.

Some have been near zero players, but some are more prominent where I see posts where others have been able to play the games and I still can't, so I don't know.

Things to try.

Start it in a new incognito tab in Chrome.

 Make an additional new blank Chrome profile without any extensions.

Deactivate / Activate the hardware accellearation in Chrome.

Try Opera.

Itch changed something with their servers a while back, including stuff that might or might not affect those shared array stuff. I do not know if there are any solutions, but there are threads in forum about this and certain issues.

I'm posting small test game made in Godot and aware of such problem. 
Tried to implement simple workaround. Would be Grateful if anyone can test this solution
I provided in embed window link for situations when game not running.

Most part of fix I used from
but my browser is old and I prefer to block popups so it not working for all of my situations.

I added Explicit link for Player to use. 

1) at start of BODY of .html 

<a id="stat" href="">If not work OPEN IN NEW TAB</a>

2) and before <script src="NameOf_YOUR_game.js"></script> 

<script> let id = location.pathname.split('/')[2];

let url = '//' + id + '?color=303333';

window.addEventListener('load', () => {

document.links["stat"].href = url;


Hope anyone will find it useful. Have a Great Life.