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(2 edits)

Media Update:

I mainly have experience with the Clip Champ editor to edit videos, but it uhh... sucks, really, really bad. So I'm thinking about another editor. I'm thinking of getting Shotcut or Openshot.

Story Update:

I guess I might as well talk about when the side quest stories will be complete, since I don't have much to say today haha. Erm well, I'm not even sure how much side quest I want in the game. Well, I actually want 12 side quest, but I'm thinking of adding more. I know that sounds low, but it's because the side quest are kind of deep, also it's better than other games that have a lot of side quest, but are super boring. I'm debating on completing the side quest stories at around August - September. HOPEFULLY, I can stay true to that. Or even better, maybe I can finish them in July. 

I still have to think about if there's more I should add to the main story. Which might result in me canceling some side quest. However I'll try my best to add all 12 of them.