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Sorry for no post yesterday. I feel embarrassed when I say "I'm gonna update you all every day", and then I don't do it T-T.

Story Update:

I've (technically) finished the entire story... I don't know if I'll change it (again), since there's much I'm still doing besides the Main story. Also I'm still thinking about inputting that... erm... What should I call it? "Revival Mechanic?" It's what I was talking about in my last update. 

I guess I should explain the "Opponent" again. You can call him the Dealer I guess, but it's easier for me to call him Opponent because then I get confused with Buckshot roulette. I've already explained that I want him to be similar to Buckshot roulettes Dealer, however there is a lot of differences with them. The Dealer is basically some monster who SOMEHOW killed God himself and provides the player with a fair play challenge all just for some cash. A good villain representing addiction. While the Opponent is... Something. I did say I want him to represent addiction, but all I can say is I'm going to make him completely unknown. You wont know his intentions. He'll still be the tutorial and he will still battle you. However, you wont really know what this guy wants. Also I guess me calling him a guy, might not be true for the future of this game. Depending on your choices, he might be a male or female. Yeah, I'm going to create two versions of the character. I'm not doing it just because I think it'll be fun to have as a little detail, there's a special reason. I know that sounds dumb, but I really do have a good reason for it. I just wont say >:)