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Story Update:

I plan to add some stealth mechanics into my game. This will be for both side and main stories. I'll be using the disguises mechanic from Hitman. Also I plan to use the ACT system for stealth in some way to smooth talk your way through something or to get someone to do something specific for you.  I think this can be great for building a characters story and roleplaying.

As of right now there is many places you can use stealth in. Like a Prison, Castle, Mansion, etc.

Now lets talk about Show don't Tell vs Tell don't Show.

A lot of people say "Show don't Tell" is always better than "Tell don't Show." However that's not true, in some ways "Tell don't Show" can be better. One advantage of "Tell don't Show", is Imagination. For my game that mainly uses visuals, this is really good for me. I wanna use Imagination so the player can fill in all the details themselves. It's also great for horror too. I can imagine a voice tape a player found and then the voice in the tape describes some horrors that happened in the area they're in. Or I can imagine a player talking to an NPC about the world around them and they might give some grave details about how the world works. 

Of course I will be using "Show don't Tell" in some areas. For example my vision mechanic (if anyone even remembers that) will be great with "Show don't Tell." 

Overall, it really bothers me when people think "Show don't Tell" is better. Really both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.