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(1 edit)

Ideas About the Act System:

So with the ACT system, it is in some ways similar to Undertale, in which you pick different things to say in order to pacify someone. However you have to be careful, because what you say, can make some one take it in a bad way, which can be worse. If you read the post above you'll notice that I said "I'm taking the FF2 keyword system." The idea is that I want players to learn certain phrases that can pacify an NPC (also it can help with that NPC's lore). It's also a great way for players to pay more attention to an NPC talking to them because the phrases will be highlighted and you can pick the "learn" button. Also I guess me saying "phrases," isn't very accurate. While it can be phrases, other times it's names. It could be names of a character, a weapon, an item, etc. There's a lot to learn to pacify people, so i hope people enjoy the ACT system when it's fully finished. There's still some stuff I haven't quite figured out yet so expect another update of the ACT system.