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(1 edit)

Update on the art style for the game:

I'm just testing out certain styles, that I want for my game. I've been thinking of doing pixel art, but I really wanna do a crayon art style. I know that doesn't scream horror but I took some examples from Walten Files.

The character art in my game probably wont be as uncanny as the images below, but i might take some inspiration.

(if the images don't appear let me know with a reply.)

But yeah, I was inspired by Yoshi's island's art style (weird, i know)

I'll get back into making the AI and Items, I just wanna do some art experiments. Oh yeah! also about the whole "Steal Card vs Tarp" fiasco in the update above. I've decide on just making the steal card able to see the items. After all, you have only a limited set of some.