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(3 edits)

Thanks for the advice! How should we contact you? 

I'd like to have my game considered. My friend and I released our game "Picking Flowers"- the relaxing arcade game 3 months ago, but have gotten only one person to play it outside of people I know.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I  posted the game to reddit on multiple places, all social media I have, tigsource, itch new releases ect. No luck.

I'd have given up and moved on to other things but my friends have persisted in telling me that this game is really good and I should keep working on getting it out there, and I know they aren't just saying that, my retention rate for people who have played the game is very high with my analytics reporting people still playing the game to this day.  

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks. I'd port it to the mac but I can't afford the $100/year licensing fees apple charges. 

Deleted 4 years ago
(2 edits)

oh... I actually did port it to html5 I forgot. Posting it on a html5 dev forum was how I got one stranger to play it.
I have two versions, one small sized one that resizes itself to work on cell phones with touch control and one full sized one designed for desktops.  They were both designed to test the touch screen interface but you can still use the arrow keys to play. 

Cell phone-


I guess I could embed one of them into itch's html5 system. It is like Orisinal games! You are not the first person to tell me that. 

The $100 is only for IOS and Mac App Store. You don't have to pay to make a Mac build from most game engines. You might want a Mac to test with but that should be it.

yeah HOF, that's what I said.