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A member registered May 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

You are suppose to buy units for gold(you get 100 gold per each turn + 50 gold for each mine unity you have), you can access to shop by pressing the shop icon or the spell shop by pressing the bottle next to the shop icon. Then use those units to kill the opponent(by tapping on them you can move them and/or attack). You pass the turn to the other player by pressing the "space" key or by pressing the player 1/2 image. The game is made to be played with 2 people and there are tons of different strategies to try out! I hope this helped and enjoy!

Feel free to continue the project if you want, I have no objections!

Dev #1 here: Great game it could use a little more polish but overall great game!

(1 edit)

Add the links or names of the previous devs or it will not count

Thank you! The music took up most of my time.

Thank You I really appreciate the positive feedback!

Thanks for feedback I will fix that in next update.

Here you go if you decide to stream my game i will be honored, also sorry if there is no HTML link I could not get it working, but the download link works

Hi everyone I just subbmited my game Save The Crystal. I got download link set up, I tried doing HTML but it was showing just a blue screen with music so I removed it if enyone cares check it out

As some of you may know I released my first big game project 4 days ago(and it did super well, we are 14th most popular top down shooter on itch btw)  and soon it will get first mayor update(probably in 3 days).

Ok not to wory you that I made something big in just 3 days, that woud be very bad. I worked on this for quite a while now like for 2 weeks, but I wanted to have something to release soo I put this game out.

I want exiatment to come soo here is a a teazer:


Anyhow if You want to play or download the current version here is link for that:

As some of you may know I released my first big game project 4 days ago(and it did super well, we are 14th most popular top down shooter on itch btw)  and soon it will get first mayor update(probably in 3 days).

Ok not to wory you that I made something big in just 3 days, that woud be very bad. I worked on this for quite a while now like for 2 weeks, but I wanted to have something to release soo I put this game out.

I want exiatment to come soo here is a a teazer:


Anyhow if You want to play or download the current version here is link for that:

Hello everyone, 

At the time I am writing this my brand new Indie game Lightning Of life has reached over 100 players in just 3 days. That is mindblowing. We also reached 14th spot in popular category with tag Top down Shooter, and 7th spot in category New And Popular with tag Top down Shooter. I just want to thank everyone that visited the game and to say welcome to new players, you guys are awesom. 

If you want to join thecommunity and play the game the link is here, and while you are at it you can give feedback too.

The brackeys gake jam starts in one hour I wish you all luck, in the free time you can chenck this game

 it is quick 2 -15 mins experiance and it can be vool. Enyway good luck everyone

Please anyone 

My first big game is finally out, it took me a whole month to finish it but it is finally done.

You can download it here if you want

This is simple 10 stages expiriance whit epic boss fight at the end. The game is short but it is made to be played multiple times for more info check out description of game.

Why did you make this game it does not make sense how is this balancing or even better question how is this game. Ok you made game in scratch but you should put some effor into it


Just why