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Zachary Richman

A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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The build is fixed and up and running. Thanks for your patience!

The build is fixed and up and running. Thanks for your patience!

Attention everyone: the build is fixed and up and running. Thanks for your patience!

Sorry -- we're having some technical difficulties. Seems itch changed their servers so we have to update the build.

Thanks for the feedback. This was made in 48 hours for a game jam, and the post-jam version will have many quality of life fixes for stuff like this. Hope you get a chance to play it again once it's out!

Thank you very much! :)

Great idea. Great execution. Great art. What more can I say? Very well done!

Very nice game! The mechanics were fun to experiment with. And the dev log pop-ups were hilarious. Awesome job!

Short and sweet! Really enjoyed the mechanic. It was a lot of fun angling things juuuust right. Great job!

Have you played past level 1? Starting at level 2, the only way to progress is to swap properties with other things in the level. Hope that helps! :)

Another great Team Bugulon game. Congratulations on the instant classic!

Great game! The mechanic has that perfect mix of clever and simple. Great work!

Nice! Very cool game. Surprisingly intuitive to pick up and play, despite it being a card game. Had a log of fun - great work!

Nice! Had fun with this one. Clear and clever design. Great work!

Great job! Had a lot of fun playing. The puzzles were fun to solve, and it's a great take on the theme! Great work :)

Great submission! Had fun upgrading my enemies and managing my resources. It was satisfying to see my coins go up with each enemy who made it through. Nice job!

There is music! Sorry that it didn't work for you. You can listen to an extended version of it here:

(1 edit)

Wow we're at #1? Thank you SO much for the love and support :D

Wow thanks for the kind words! And super appreciate the feedback. Will definitely look into that for the post-jam version. Thanks again 😁

Great entry! BEAUTIFUL presentation! The core mechanic is a lot of fun too. I'm curious what was your inspiration for what gave different musical notes their respective effects.

Overall, I had lots of fun playing this one. Great work!

Overall a really great game! The puzzles were challenging but fun – definitely scratched that puzzle itch of mine. While the main mechanic is really smart, it may need a little bit of love if you decide to do a post-jam version. Hitting space over and over to get to my desired number was a little tedious, and I think can be more smartly executed when you're not restricted by the jam's theme. But hey –that's jam games for ya! Overall that's a really small gripe.

There's definitely potential for a fuller version of this game! Could include more environmental stuff that manipulates your movement (like maybe 'rough terrain' that takes 2 movements to move over 1 space). Or maybe there's levels where you have to use the dice in a certain order (like you have to do a 3 move, followed by a 1 move, followed by a 6 move, etc. ). Or maybe even some dice in your arsenal that isn't centred around movement (like a key dice that you have to use only when next to a door).

Lots of potential with this one, and a really fun experience! Awesome job :)

Love the concept Had lots of fun with this one. Another great showing from Team Melon :)

Hey thanks for the nice comments and for coming back to play a second time :) Your idea with the HP blocks is actually something we'll be adding in the post-jam version, so stay tuned!!!

Thanks so much, really glad you enjoyed the game! The balancing is getting a tune-up in the post-jam version, so definitely stay tuned :D

Great to see another shooter in the jam! This was a fun one. The retro style was cool and the mechanics were enjoyable! Awesome job :)

Fun game with great music and presentation! Really awesome job with this one :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! The nuke and the balancing are all going to be tightened up in our post-jam version. Glad you enjoyed our game!! :)

Wow thanks so much for your comment! lt's awesome and VERY appreciated :D The spawn rate of the dice is something we'll be giving more love to for the post-jam version, so definitely keep an eye out for that! Also, the nuke is a little buggy and will work on all enemy types. So lots to look forward to! Thanks again for your amazing comment – and thanks for playing :)

Wow thanks so much for the in-depth review! Really appreciate you taking the time, and so glad you enjoyed the game! :D You're right about the nuke, it's a tiiiiny bit buggy, but will be fixed for the post-jam version of the game. Thanks again for playing :D

Thanks so much :) Yeah the heavy artillery is a tiny bit buggy but will be fixed in the post-jam version. Glad you enjoyed!!!

Had fun with this one! It was challenging at times – it really messed with my brain. But that was part of the fun! I think it'd be cool if you added a dice-roll animation at the start of a level, to show how the controls are being randomized. Overall, great job!

Thanks for playing! Yeah the nuke is a lil bugged but will be fixed in the post-jam version :)

Had a lot of fun with this one! And you have SO many different types of dice, it's super impressive! Awesome job – gonna play it again soon for sure :)

A really fun game. An awesome aesthetic. A great idea. Amazing job on this one! :)

Had a fun time with this one! The gameplay loop was really enjoyable, and it's aesthetically really nice! Awesome job :)

This was a really fun one! And aesthetically beautiful! Amazing work with this one - had a blast playing :)

A fun mechanic and a beautiful art style! Had a lot of fun with this one :)

Great presentation! And a polished main mechanic. Great work!

Took me a while to understand the mechanic, but once I did it was fun! Great work :)

A fun puzzle game with great presentation. Great job!!