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Pepperoni Games

A member registered Jul 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I wish I picked a better concept for my game, with a simpler art style.

Nice, well I started a few months ago, I feel like I’m getting the hang of C# now and unity, but just don’t have any ideas for projects.

How long have you been in game dev? Just wondering since if your new, then I need to step up my game lol

I LOVE IT! The concept is nice, the EC theme looks great and overall, you've done a great job! Its my first game jam too, but my game is nowhere near as good as this. 5/5!

Its Cute! I like it.

I really like it, Its quite polished as well! 5/5 :)

Its fun! Good Job! Some Sounds would be great!

I have to admit, its fun, better then my game lol.

im gonna give it a 4.5/5

Just for the sound fx that are needed.

other then that, awesome game!

in this page

THIS IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST GAME DEV PODCAST OUT THERE! I’ve been listening for a while and it’s so chilled out and informative. Definitely listening to it while jamming!


sorry, I’m only really familiar with unreal and unity lol

would you consider a mod for minecraft to be good enough for the jam?

Would you accept a mod for Minecraft good enough for the jam?

Yep.....exactly what it says on the tin

I agree with everyone else, Roblox isn’t a game creation platform, it’s a game with a level editor.   Use a proper game development platform like Unity or Unreal or even just Twine(Text based games). Just don’t do roblox....your game will be frowned upon.