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A member registered Aug 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for your compliment, I really appreciate it! There are definitely a lot of telegraphing/feedback things we were hoping to add but time runs thin in a 48 hour jam haha. It definitely felt ambitious for us, so I'm glad to hear you feel like the execution was on par.

(also  awesome account name and profile pic)

Heeeey this is so clever and fun! Wow! Very impressed with this entry. Very unique spin on the theme, and feels like a really fun/challenging mini-game. I only got to 6 eggs, but I'm pretty proud of that haha. Eggcellent work.

Hey this is really charming! I quite enjoy the "urge to quack" bar haha, that's probably one of the funniest game mechanics I've seen in a while.

Congrats on a jam well done!

(1 edit)

We were hoping to at least show the first move of everything on the board, but that didn't get done in time. It would be interesting to see how it plays with some line-of-sight intelligence to units. Right now they just move forward until they hit something and then choose a random direction (unless they're adjacent to an enemy, then they'll prioritize an attack). Treasures are supposed to help with that, but those only work on heroes.

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much for playing! Yeah our artist did an amazing job!

Thanks so much Chris! I see your game is also greek themed! It's the sequel to our game haha

Thanks so much, I really appreciate that! Yeah lvl 1 was designed so you couldn't lose, but there's a level 2 that we left out of the build because it was breaking. So yes, testing was interesting XD Exits are not the only way for you to lose though! If traps kill heroes, the Minotaur does not get experience from them (and obviously if heroes/traps kill the Minotaur you lose). There was a lot we needed to communicate to the player, especially unit pathing, that we weren't able to do in time.

Thanks again for playing!

Hey, excellent job on this! It is very fun and satisfying to swarm an adventurer with hordes of slimes and other enemies. I'd love to see how this would play if you could use your mouse to choose where to summon monsters. Might add a nice layer of strategy, but it's hard to say without trying. Our game is also about feeding heroes to the denizens of a dungeon.

Congrats on a jam well done!

Wooow this is pretty impressive for a 48 hour jam! It took me a while to realize that kills on the bottom screen meant trap triggers, but then the game started to click more. I thought the bottom was especially satisfying. Managing both made me dizzy haha XD You play as the dungeon in our game too!

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is a mind-bending one to be sure! I like the idea of the game being about learning the rules. Playing both sides makes it pretty inscrutable though XD But I have to admit I'm really curious how some of those pieces behave- it looks like a few of them have different states? Our game ended up being somewhat inscrutable too I think haha.

Congrats on a jam well done!

Hey this was super clever! This is definitely one of the most unique interpretations of the theme I've seen so far, and there is the seed of a really compelling game loop here. I could actually see this as a really fun little roguelike deckbuilder, it plays with space in an interesting way that most games in that genre don't do. Our team also made a game that place with space on a grid like this!

Congrats on a jam well done!

Hey this was really fun! Excellent job, the concept offers a format with a lot of interesting puzzles.

Yeah we were hoping to at least get arrows indicating current facing of the Minotaur/heroes, but you know how jams be haha. Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much for playing! It was very difficult haha. But it was a lot of fun, and I'm really proud of how far we got with it!

Thanks so much for playing the game Daniel! You're right on the money with those bugs and telegraphing issues, we definitely bit off a loooot with this project haha, very systems dense. I had to delete a card from the build last minute cuz it instantly broke the game XD Yeah our artist did an amazing job with the card art, Passageway and Blockage are my favorites.

Heeey this is such a clever idea! I like that it's almost a co-op stealth game with the thing you're hiding from? This is a very fun idea, and I found myself messing around with this one for a while. I like how you highlighted the "cursed" objects with the red light. Took me a while to discover that, but it was a good moment. The exorcist's AI was a bit buggy so I wasn't able to have him discover all 3 objects, but I at least got 1! Our game has a bunch of AIs and they are quite buggy hahaha XD Game jams, amirite?

Congrats on a jam well done!

Hey, fun! Who doesn't want to play as pizza refusing to be warmed up in the microwave? Fun music track too, really chunky chip sounds. I ran into a bug where the pizza seemed to reset to the middle of the plate and freeze, but I was still able to play for a bit before that.

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is a fun, self-aware inversion of a classic game trope! There's a lot of writing in this too, that's impressive. I also thought the UI design was very functional and easy on the eyes. Our artist did a great job on our game too!

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is so goofy, really fun idea here! I really like the little Cthulhu priest squid people, they were cute. Great job on the visuals overall! Our game is also dungeon-related.

Congrats on a jam well done!

Wow, this was a good way to blow off some steam haha. Very satisfying, and a really clever reversal of a genre! Way to get that little voice over bit in the beginning, set the tone perfectly and told the player their goal. Our game also lets you enjoy the side of evil! Kinda.

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is such a hilarious idea, well done! Also very fun to play. You got upgrades in there and everything? Quite impressive on all fronts. Aim the tomatoes was agonizing because of the inverted controls, but it's not necessarily a bad thing? You could argue that it fits the theme, and I get why you'd do that for the slingshot. Much less buggy than our game haha.

Congrats on a jam well done!

Hey great job on this! I had fun chomping on all those zombie apocalypse survivors. I thought the visuals were really solid too, especially the line-of-sight shadows. Don't feel too bad about the zombie sprite facing bug, our game is full of jank haha! Bugs are a part of jam games.

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is a really interesting concept, well done! I was having a lot of trouble getting the pieces to connect to the ship base, so I didn't get very far, but I really liked how the music track built gradually like constructing a ship. Good job!

Awww that's such a bummer that the play button doesn't work. This looks like you put a lot of work into it. From what I see of the itch page and the help screen, this concept seems really cool!

Well so far this is the most unique idea I've seen yet, so you got a 5 on Creativity from me! Really fun, very intuitive and straightforward to get into. Excellent job on this. Funny enough, our game is also Greek mythology inspired!

Congrats on a jam well done!

This is adorable, and the sound your mushroom buddy makes when they die is so intense in contrast XD Fun and well scoped for a 48 hour jam. I like that your obstacles become your tools. Our game is a very different spin on the whole "you play as the level" archetype!

Congrats an a jam well done <3

Hey everyone! Here's our deck-building dungeon-moving minotaur-feeding entry for the GMTK 2023 Jam!
You are the LABYRINTH

You are the Labyrinth is a deckbuilding game where your goal is to strengthen the Minotaur by defeating enough of the heroes that wander into the Labyrinth. Only so many heroes enter each level of the Labyrinth, so if too many fall to your traps or find an exit, your Minotaur will not be strong enough to move to the next level, and the current level will restart.

Let us know what you think and link your games below as well! Thanks so much, I hope you all had a great jam <3

Hey, this is super fun! It's really satisfying to hear the melody come together piece by piece as you figure it out. It would be fascinating to see this applied to totally different genres of music. Bach works really well because the music has all these distinct little motifs to latch onto, but it's complicated enough to offer a challenge.

My guess is that the Beatles would be easy mode, and Balinese gamelan would be insane mode.

This is insane! Thank you for breaking our game hahaha, this is fantastic to know this can even happen.

Thanks so much Hexablu <3

Thanks so much for checking this out Sean! I just now saw your response and it made my evening :)

Looks great! Excited that encounters are looking more fleshed out now. Gonna give it a playthrough as soon as I get a chance!

This is super charming, excellent work here! I think the trickiest bits were learning what the disks do and when they do it - having stationary text for explaining that is not ideal when movement isn't fully under your control. But this is a 48 hour jam, and all things considered it's excellent there's any tutorialization at all.

A way I could see this expanding is allowing the player's move and dash to go either left or right. I suspect that would open up more possibilities for levels!

Very interesting take on the rhythm platformer idea, and really fun, charming execution! I love the little raccoon ball character :)

Hey, way to go, this is a really fun idea! I love the visuals, the tron sort of vibe makes this really fun. I found turning a bit difficult, and I was able to win by just driving back and forth over a single orb spawn. But I think the groundwork is there for a racing game with a very unique goal!

Hey srg, thanks so much for checking the game out! I really appreciate it. This was actually my first time doing any sort of horror audio, so I'm glad you felt it contributed well to the atmosphere of dread. As it always is with jams, I could imagine doing sooo much more. I didn't really get a chance to play with the mechanic of sound drawing out the monster, but I definitely learned a lot for my next horror project haha.

Thanks so much Grytis! I'm glad you enjoyed the sound <3 This was my first foray into horror audio, and I had a ton of fun with it.

I just played this game last night before going to bed, and I'm so glad I took the time. This has so much charm and visual polish for a jam game, it's really excellent work! The page turns for area changes was an A+ idea, it made moving around the map have so much more character and charm.

Fun stuff! I love running back through the level when that mirror ghost creature starts coming after you, that's a good moment.

Hey, this was really fun! It's amazing how much can be accomplished by saying "find this thing," and then setting an ominous mood. For most of the game, I was worried something might be coming after me. The limited visibility combined the sound effects and overall tone made me feel like I better find this thing before something finds me! Excellent work :)