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Marcos Fuchter

A member registered Dec 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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Such a great endless runner

Jogo incrível, mal posso esperar pela versão completa!

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Criar tópico aqui pode não dar muito certo porque é bem fácil de passar despercebido. No Discord tem mais gente ativa então é mais provável que você consiga por lá!

Acesse o Discord do canal

Pois é, vários bugzinhos acabaram ficando na versão da jam por conta da implementação dos assets :/ não deu tempo de revisa. Obrigado!

Quem sabe no futuro, agora temos outro jogo em produção :) :)

Concordo, faltou uma introdução melhor pra mecanica.  O sentido é que o impacto da árvore crescendo rápido é mais forte que a flautada na fuça kkkk esse ataque foi inspirado no Villager de Super Smash Bros

Isso do pulo da flauta eu vi, vou resolver pra quando a jam passar

Quanto ao inimigo um em cima do outro, não é bug kkkk, é um tipo diferente de inimigo que só morre se fazer árvore crescer em baixo dele

"Jogos de flauta" kkkkkk virou uma categoria? Parabéns!


Bah, queria que tivesse mais...

Awesome job! Loved it!


Valeu! Pra versão completa da Steam Explosive Candy World isso será corrigido!

Isso aí de ficar de cabeça pra baixo é bug kkkk. Vai ser resolvido. Que bom que tu curtiu!


Thanks! That's great feedback, thanks for pointing it out :)

I found this game kinda similar to mine, lol. But mine is 2D. Had a lot of fun playing with a group of friends while on Discord, we were competing to see who would manage to beat the challenges. It's a very difficult game!

Thanks a lot! Haven't played it, but checked it out and it definitely reminds this game :)

We're planning a bigger version, in this one we might have different types of bombs for different areas, including one with a bigger radius :). Thanks for the suggestion and feedback!


Just for the game's name it's already a 5 star concept (Sweet Shop / Sweat Shop). Very dark theme, which is cool for a sweets themed game. I'm not very into clickers, but found the concept very creative

Pode deixar que eu conto, @Horaculo... Então, Osaku, não é pra você pegar o pirulito, é pra você jogar uma bomba nele kkk

Legal! Certamente haverão mais fases

It was very fun. At first I had trouble differencing the children from the monsters, but as the game progressed I started picking up the subtle differences there were between the two. Great game!

It would be nice to have some sort of clear progression in the game. When we finish a room, all that happens is that a new room is created, it doesn't look like we're progressing

It felt waaay too short. I was having fun, but then the game ended :(

Cool use of physics! I think the game needed an ending, some way to die or to end your run

Impressed that you even managed to make an in-game store! Really like the graphics and it's awesome to see a fellow Construct user :D. 

I guess the problem I found in this game is that, if you want to, you can decide to not play the game and just leave the game running. Nothing kills you unless you hit a candy, I guess there should be more things depleting your health in the game.

I'm honestly VERY impressed by how the cake gets made on top of your head. It's built so perfectly, every ingredient you put change it in a very logical way. I had a lot of fun playing your game :)

I just love stage-based challenging games (that's why I made one too, lol). Your game was very challenging to beat, but I kept it at until the end. Loved the movement style you made using only two buttons. It opened many possibilities and was very skill based, you had to really get the hangs of the acceleration, turn speed, etc, in order to do well in the game. Congrats!

Loved the music and visuals. The music beat felt a bit off for me for some reason, I felt like my button press didn't work on the right timing, but it worked if I pressed it a little out of the beat. Don't know why. Despite this small problem I had, I really enjoyed it, amazing work

It was very relaxing to play, loved the sound once you got a full connection of pills. I admire you going for a puzzle game in a game jam, because it's considerably harder than making a simpler game, like a platformer, for example. Congrats!

True, it's like a rocket jump simulator, hadn't thought of it that way :). Sorry about the pickup sound, we'll updated it in a future version. Hope your ears are doing well, lol

It took some time for me to learn that I can use A and D to move, if I hadn't the game would be unplayable on PC, lol. Glad it was on the game's page. The graphics were really incredible for a jam game. Everything in the game feels colorful and fun, from the donut to the gingerbreads. Gameplay-wise it was a bit frustrating getting touched by the gingerbreads, because even though they only took a small portion of your life, they are awesome at doing fighting-game style combos, so I was pretty much dead after touching one.

Never had played a game of this genre. Enjoyed the experience! I found two endings (spoilers ahead, be careful if you're a reader that haven't yet played the game). One sitting on the chair and relaxing. Another dying from the red candy. Was there a different way of finishing the game?

I wonder if the charging bar for the jump was really necessary. Why I cooldown to jump? This made one part of the game very frustrating. I stopped playing on the three lollipops followed by a moving platform. It was very frustrating when I landed on the last lollipop and the moving platform was ready to grab me, but I couldn't jump because the cooldown was in progress. Also, when I finally managed to jump on the platform, it seems to not take me with it, I have to keep walking right in order to move with the platform, and the platform moves faster than I do, making me fall a couple times.

Some bits made the game frustrating to play. Enjoyed the visuals, though, and the "do you want to play my game?" in the beginning was very funny. I just had to press "No" to see what happens, and it didn't disappoint!

Loved it, the sound and art fit really well, and it was quite awesome that there was a story told in a very simple way behind this very simple game. I really like simplicity, and it was done amazingly well :). Some recipes were a bit frustrating, I guess the third one took me the longest, but that didn't take away the positive experience

Great graphics and sound! When making a randomly generated endless runner, it's difficult to not accidentally create impossible sections, but you managed to avoid it. There were no situations in which the game created impossible to beat obstacles (like two cakes too close to each other in a way that a jump there would be impossible or way too difficult). Although it was a pretty nice addition having that thing chasing you (sorry, don't know how that is called in English), it didn't influence the game much. It would be pretty cool if it dashed at you sometimes, making you have to jump. Really liked the game, congratulations!

I'm really glad you liked it! In fact, we're planning a full version to release on Steam :). On this version we'll definitely be refining the jumping system so it won't be based on luck

Thank you! We also like the level transition, lol