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A member registered Aug 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Im wet 😊

This is actually a very goods halo story

Yo yo yo im w wet

This actually feels like a metal Gear game

The sus is real

Dam ilove t the story it feels full of potential is there a sequel?

finally a complete easy to run GTA game... i dont like installing emulators so this is great!

very immersive story, and the visuals are strange but cool.. its not stressing like the AAA games.. im lokking forward to more of this experiences!

found this video of your game by CiaranPixels :O

What if Amongus was a hyper realistic 3rd person experience?

Hope you like it bros!

I wanted to do this, now I know how to!

Sorry I'm still learning to make good game sound

Yoo whatsup

Thanks man 😅

working on it!

Thanks a lot for the review! I loved your video! I will add mechanics

Yup haha I will add them, the PC version has them though 😃

that would be great! would you like a Linux version?

它也可以在电脑上使用 :D

unity at the moment...

you can't craft, just fight enemies... but I'm working on the crafting part it would be great!

man thanks for your gameplay! hahaha I laughed so hard!! subbed of course...

I'll make it better with crafting and stuff :D

Thanks for the feedback! Working on it...

THIS GAME IS AWSOME, there seem to be haters throwing trash to it, but I LOVE IT!! keep up the great work

Sorry to hear that, I have to optimize the game better 😯 maybe the web based version runs better

hahaha yeahh its Pou 2 main theme by John Williams 

Great, we'll make it better ;)

thanks bro! Im glad you like it!!


thanks for the feedback! its really helpful, I think we'll decrease the blur and change the HUD

Thanks for playing!!

thanks for your comment! we will make the geometry better, the HD downloadable version is better though :)

thanks for your comment! its slow to load (it can take up to 3 minutes)

but you can try the downloadable version :) i hope this one works: