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Incredulous Interactive

A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sending you an email :)

Wow, yes that would be great! We’d love to have you help with localization. Thank you!

This was lovely! What an elegant, cultured bunch of cats (and 1 bird). Charming story, eccentric characters, and a really sweet ending :) Nicely done!!

Oh! Not sure how I missed that - that’s really obvious 😅

This was a great mystery game! It feels incredibly polished and complete, which is impressive given that it’s also ~2hrs long!

The UI is so well-designed, and the level of polish really sets it apart from vanilla renpy UI. The “now playing” music tab was a great touch for accessibility - it would be awesome if that was something you could toggle on/off in the options menu.

The story was really interesting, and the Clues tab was a great option to help track evidence and build theories. I didn’t figure everything out, but the majority of the reveal felt like something the player could have pieced together, which is nice. I agree with a couple other comments that the pacing and tone of the very end feels a little strange - [POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD] I think you could get away without the last scene back in the house, and keep the fates of those characters a bit more mysterious.

Overall, a great entry with a clever mystery! Very nicely done.

Thanks for playing! That was really fun to watch :)

Long Time No See was always intended to be a short story, so we currently don’t have plans to expand it into a longer game - but maybe we’ll find an opportunity to bring Lucas, Milo, and Avery back for a future project 👀

I’m so happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for the lovely review!

Thank you for the kind words! Agreed about the auto-advance - we ran out of time to implement that and a couple other QOL features before the deadline, but they’re mostly complete and we plan to release an update within the next week or two to add them.

I’m happy you grew to like Milo! The VAs brought so much life to the characters, and I think that really helps them shine. To your point, I’m with you on the linearity thing. When we decided to add VA, it really forced us to drill down on scope. We knew we always only wanted one ending (since it’s a light cozy game, we didn’t want “bad” endings), but some more branches throughout the story would add quite a bit to the immersion.

Thanks again for the thoughtful feedback!

This was great! 2 stories for the price of one. Dead Letters was creepy and tense, and Vamp Me was quirky and fun! Both are short, so it makes for a nice little double-feature!

What a beautiful story! The music in this is gorgeous, and the writing is so impactful and effective for such a short game. Very nicely done!

This game is so cute! It was a quick game, but wonderfully executed. Teddy, Quyen, and crowchild were such quirky and unique characters, I would have gladly played a much longer game with them in it!

Really fun game! Short, clever, and entertaining. 10/10 got dunked on

Nice job! I love a good mystery. This reminded me of Shutter Island meets Hotel Dusk. Great aesthetic, interesting characters, intriguing premise.

“You wink, do finger guns, and go ‘pew pew’” is exactly what’s missing from every other detective game.

This was fun! Short, sweet, has a cat wearing a silly costume. What else could you possibly want?

This game was so fun! Nice and short, but super replayable. Beans is the best - nicely done!

Thank you! The real ghost was the friends we made along the way! <3

(1 edit)

Thank you! We tried really hard to create a small but full world within the house, to keep the story fairly contained :) I’m happy you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the thoughtful review! The goal was to make something short, entertaining, and accessible - so I’m happy to hear that it hit that benchmark! Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you! Happy you enjoyed it :) The real ghost was the friends we made along the way!

Thank you! Lil ghost sends warm fuzzy vibes your way <3

This is great! Really clever concept - I can’t wait to play it again once it’s finished!

This game was gorgeous! Big fan of the color palette. And what a beautiful story! The presentation of everything felt so cinematic. Very nicely done!

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GAME! Spooky, mysterious, fun, charming characters - easily my favorite game I’ve played from this jam so far. Fantastic work!

This was really cute! Short and sweet, and I really got to love Slushy and Boogie by the end. Nicely done! :)

Nicely done! Fun characters and a really cool aesthetic.

That said, I’d love for some way to tell who’s speaking besides just the SFX; it makes it pretty complicated to follow dialogue, especially near the end. Maybe different font colors for each character?

Regardless, good job!

Very nicely done! This is such a sweet story! <3

Very nicely done! I love the art and the character designs, and the writing is gorgeous. Incredible work!

Thank you so much!! Ditto about the art, it turned out better than I ever could have hoped!

Thank you! We’ve implemented a cleaner fishing mechanic now (no mouse, but with more precise control) and we’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if it feels better to control!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! We cleaned up the controls in v1.1.0, and we’d love it if you’d give it another shot. Feedback helps us keep improving!

Thanks for the feedback and kind words! We took your suggestion and cleaned up the controls in v1.1.0. We’d love it if you could check it out and see if the gameplay feels better!

Thank you for taking the time to leave detailed feedback! We just released v1.1.0 with more polished fishing controls - we’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if the gameplay feels better!

Thank you! We just released v1.1.0 and fine-tuned the controls - we’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if the controls feel better!

Thanks! We updated the controls in v1.1.0 which we released yesterday - we’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if the controls feel better!

Thanks! We updated the controls in v1.1.0 which we released yesterday - we’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if the controls feel better!

Thanks for the kind words! We just released v1.1.0 which irons out the wonky controls. We’d love it if you would give it another shot and see if it feels better. We’re always looking for feedback and ways to improve! 😊

This is cool! Reminds me of Game Dev Tycoon mixed with Wordle. It'd be fun to see a post-jam version with a bit more polish! Nice job!

This is a beautiful game and the amount of polish is insane! Took me a minute to get the hang of it, but I really like the concept! Nicely done!

This is really clever! I like the concept of manipulating the level itself to control the "player". There's a really interesting puzzle game in here that would be fun to explore! Hopefully you consider expanding the idea a bit post-jam!

Haha I didn't expect to see someone else with the same concept! The Bakito Kart dev and us should start a club or something.

This is great! Haha I never expected to see the same concept in another game. While we opted for "Mario Kart, but it's a relaxing fishing game", I love the more chaotic approach here. It kept me on my toes!