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A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you :)

Thank you :)

I agree with that haha. Thanks for playing!

Thank you :)

I'll have a look at this issue for sure. Wish I had more time haha

Thank you for playing and feedback Yatch!

Yeah, that's just a bug. The ghost can get stuck outside of the screen. It's a bug I fixed right after the submission was finished haha.

Thanks for playing! ❤️

Thank you :)

Thank you! Glad you guys liked it :)

Thank you so much! And that's a good idea :)

Thank you! 

Thanks for the feedback :) noted!

Thank you! Exactly, I'm glad the idea was executable solo haha.

Thank you! Glad you liked the graphics :)

Thank you! I actually found it tricky to come up with a dice-based game idea that's simple to make but still has some decision-making. I found the topic challenging but fun :)

Thank you!  ♡

Thank you for the encouragement!

Glad you liked it and thank you for the suggestion! I actually drew 2 evolution of each creature but didn't have time to put them in. Haha.

Thank you! Music is my weakness but working on improving that :)

Thank you for your encouragement! I’ll definitely explore the mechanics further after the jam! And perhaps a happy ending when reaches certain score ;)

Thank you! Glad you liked the idea :)

Thanks for playing! Agree with your suggestion on the difficulty :)

I'm glad you liked it! Definitely will explore this idea a bit futher

Thank you! That's a great suggestion. Similar to what you said, I actually thought about making some collectables inside the blocks and do a match 3 to collect them. Definitely will try out those different mechanics.

Maybe there could even be a happy ending after reaching a certain score. Thank you for playing :)

Thanks for playing! "IJKL" sounds like a good idea, also makes the right-hand control more symmetrical to the left hand

Thank you. Tetris is the first few things that came to my mind about “joined together “

Thank you for playing! Glad you liked my art :)

Thank you for the comment. I was thinking the bats are like the opposite coins, you squish them to get points. I do wish I had more time on this. The bats are actually almost added last second.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you! I’ll keep improving it :)

Hey there. Thank you for your comment! It definitely could have some difficulty curves :)

Thank you for playing my game!

Hey there! Thank you for your honest feedback. Yeah at first I thought it's a good idea to "join Tetris blocks together to make a path way" but realized so many challenges to address in the middle of the jam. Maybe there is a way to make it but I just didn't find it. 🤷‍♂️

Hey! Thank you for the feedback. Yeah I agree the control is a little complicated. Maybe I could have made the control more focused on the blocks, and have less or no control on the princess. Or the other way around

Thank you for your comment :) I agree, perhaps player can dodge virus particles at the same time. 

Awesome video! Thank you for playing my game :) I think it's a great idea, a random mask style for each slap, or different masks can be unlockable skins! 

Thank you :)


Hello. Just want to let you know that I just fixed the constant screen shake effect. Check it out maybe :)

Hi there. I again looked to your comment and relized I got the wrong idea of what you were saying (I thought you didn't like the screen shake, my bad). However some players told me the screen shake feels noxious and unwell, so I decided to fixed it anyways and want to let you know. It was a tough choice because I liked the screen shake too, and I thought the effect fits the intensive music :)

(1 edit)

Hey @LetterAfterZ! I just fixed the screen shake. Thank you for your feedback :)