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A member registered Jul 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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That is the best flappy bird take I have seen in the jam yet. It might not be fully flushed out but dang its got some Petench! good job.

I R BLOW UP INVADER! haha cool idea. Great job getting some AI control in there too. Great concept for the jam.

Beep Boop Whurr Boop Beep! This was a great vibe. Good job.

This is one of the cleverest entries I have tried yet. Amazing job! you deserve a top spot. Was that some juicy I-Frames I saw? Only thing I would do with more time on this game is add some juice! very fun and enjoyable. Scoreboard seems like the icing on top.

what a vibe! Cool idea.

wow. You make a unique, easy to understand, hard to master game. Good job!

Way to Godot. You made a full on metroid like game during a jam!!! impressive and well polished.  take on jam is unique. full marks from me!

Very polished for a jam game. I think the dash was very well done. fun take on the theme. I would have loved a more dramatic death when you did die.

YES. This game does shooting right. It feels good and satisfying to blow those things up. I just wish that I could move with arrow keys or WASD instead of haveing it follow the mouse since the delay was a little hard for me to get back for reloading sometimes. Great take on the jam theme and cool result. Be Proud!

well that was an experience haha. good job!

haha great take on the theme! got to 85. Good job for the jam! Wish the oven glowed or dinged or something when it was done cooking.

(1 edit)

HOLY WOW. that was awesome. The world was cool to explore and well detailed. I squished Mario! haha really cool and creative. Full Marks! I highly recommend you get a few more screenshots. This thing is worth the download.

Very well done, would love a speed up and reset button but fantastic for the jam.

Nice puzzle twist on the racing idea. Good job for the jam!

Great game and concept. Honostly this would be a fun one to expand upon. Great job for the jam! somehow beat best dev time by 2 minutes.

I like it. Simple and creative. I didnt see any effect from the speed up arrows but enjoyed the puzzle all the same.

Fantastic I must say. The art and setting just puts me into a zen. great job!

I liked it. I think you got the concept down better than we did. It felt good to mess with them. Good job!

WELL DONE! Expand your tile types to be 2/2 instead and you could have some interesting larger pieces to place. as is it works well so good job! accidentally placed a track in 2 or 3 spots sometimes causing my work to get undone. might be worth limiting placement to 1 per click.

going first person was a happy surprise. wish I could pick a track up after placing it.  cool concept brought to life. Good job!

Neat idea and take on the living track. So hard to beat. Good job getting a 3d game like this done for the jam

Fun and unique take. Animation and art were satisfying. Good job. Wish the bombs had a big boom animation.

the race should start after about a 5 second count down in the middle of the screen. It ended up as more of a concept since we barely got it playable for submission but thanks for trying it out. XD

LEADERBOARD. haha well I may not have made it past 21 but it was fun to try. Amazing art and smooth gameplay. Almost wish there were pin powerups or something to get but as is, great for the jam!

Smooth gameplay and cool vibes. I think this is the best anti-fishing interpretation I have seen yet on the jam.

Graphics and gameplay art solid. Would have loved some sound. Cool concept for the jam.

Art was enjoyable and game easy to understand. Good job. Love all the possible ways you can move.

HAHA nice job. Name and win screen made me smile. Really enjoyed some of the double use switches. I could see this being like a rythm game where like QWER controls 4 colored switched on screen at one time and you just pop them to manipulate them instead of clicking on each one. Great job for the jam and theme usage.

The choice of how you want it to get harder is interesting. Good job for the jam!

5/5/5 for a leaderboard. haha good job. The cover art is just special. way to go.

Switched to EDGE browser and that fixed it. Thanks

OK yes thats cool. Concept and execution and presentation all done well. Great job!

The Zombie finally won!

Fun and works well. Wanted to squish the hero (on accident of course). For some reason it runs slow on my browser but I enjoyed it anyways. Good job, especially on the AI.

I like this idea a lot. It just works. Hardest thing is figuring out the angle when its further away. Maybe the power amount could be displayed in a HUD instead of only on the arrow for direction.

Awesome job. Please add controls to description below game. I really liked the concept and almost rhythm like gameplay. Full marks!

haha fun idea. Satisfying to get revenge!

Concept-cool. Polish-needs a little, gameplay-satisfying. Good job for the jam

I am convinced you cannot hit the pipes. Nice ending/story!

Full marks from me. That was well done all around. It felt like a well polished game. The tall yellow guy in the middle I was unsure about but otherwise it was very cool to expand and gain movement over time. Could see this idea expanding into a full game honestly.