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hmm.  i respect that you modelled a house!  but the actual game part feels like an afterthought?  it's fairly buggy, which, sure, jam game.  but i'm not sure why it earns you money?  or why i'm buying books from my own house.  or need to paint them onto the wall to see the art.

i feel like i'm missing something that ties this together?  i wish you'd written a bit about the game so i could understand your vision!


Maybe a room with a grocery store is really a bad idea.

Despite the glitches in the mini-game, it is completely passable.

The very idea of the game reflects making money on the Internet.

The game itself is a system turned inside out. (I beat the game and opened the gallery.)

instead of playing, you will immediately be taken to the gallery. You need to buy paintings, then you can hang them in frames throughout the apartment