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This is because chromebooks run on an operating system called "ChromeOS", you cannot download games on it from anywhere but the play store. At least not reliably. I would recommend getting a refund, because as far as I know, this game only works on Linux and Windows.

(1 edit) (-1)

yeah I know, but on chromebooks you can Run Linux sistem and files, and i’ve been doing that but this is a diferent type of file


have you dowloaded it yet?


if asking for the file, yes but it’s not instaled


if asking for the file, yes but it’s not instaled

(1 edit) (+2)

first go to chrome://flags and search vulkan then enable it and restart your chromebook. check if it worked at chrome://gpu and look for Vulkan and it should say Enabled next to it. Then rename the file to BuckshotRoulette.x86_64. Search how to turn on linux for a chromebook and run the command: chmod +x BuckshotRoulette.x86_64