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Really enjoyable game here. Clearly influenced by the ever-addicting infinite jumper craze of the late 2000s. I cannot for the life of me beat this game… I’ve gotten to seeing the word “playing” aaaaaalmost to the end, but haven’t gotten back up there.

There were two things that kept tripping me up: 1) Jumping in 8 directions really felt counter intuitive to me (having played lots of infinite jumpers). I just really wanted to jump upward and move left, but just shot straight left and into enemies. and 2) the hitboxes seemed brutal on the way up. I felt like I should slip by enemies and would get hit.

Overall this game was very pleasant. The colors fit super well, and the audio vibes fit the graphics very nicely. I easily played for like 20 minutes, but alas…. never beat it. Great entry!

Oh… and it looks like you have the ‘大’ kanji in the title (big), but meant to have (dog). It took me a minute to figure out what the title of the game was until I saw it written in English.


Thanks for playing, I fixed the typo <3.