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A very promising start! I liked the writing, and the character designs are cute. Maybe a weird thing to focus on but I was very impressed by the background art for the visit to the ancient library.

I was somewhat surprised when I finally reached the “gameplay” part of the game, since I didn’t look at the screenshots before playing. The intro was long enough that I assumed the whole game would use a typical visual novel presentation. Maybe those elements could be worked into the introduction somehow.


Thank you very much! ^^

Your feedback is very appreciated.
I have a list of things I want to overhaul and the intro is definitely on that list. 
Since I want to implement combat in the future, that would only make the intro even longer in its current form.
I want to therefore remake the entire intro and split it into chunks that makes sense, cause right now it is just a lot of text with little to no difference in outcome. I already have code ready so that the starting trust can vary depending on which choices the player makes but that's not live in this version.

Anyways, I can go on forever it feels like about this project x'D