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The map is really nice to explore, if rather large and abandoned. It was fun to climb atop the mountains and see how far out I can go, then look back down at the world from above. I think I also caught a comet in the sky which was super cool, and the subtle pitter patter of the rain on the camera. It's obvious you were careful with the ambiental effects, it made the experience really enjoyable, despite the lack of mechanics.

I would have liked the camera to be set a little higher though, unless this is supposed to be a child's perspective, in which case, it's perfect, but should be explained. Speaking of explaining, a little introduction at the beginning would have been helpful, rather than being thrown into a pocket dimension with no notion of who I am, where I am, and what I'm meant to do (and I know you mentioned details around these lines on the game's page, but I feel having it in-game is a simple way to add a lot more value to your game). I'm only insisting on this because I feel that the storytelling aspect is an important one to get players involved with your world. I cannot argue about it not being pretty (I love the esthetics), but it would be so much better if it was meaningful, too.

All in all, congratulations for making it. If you do plan to develop it further, do enjoy the process :)

glad you liked it!

Regarding the storytelling part

During the final days of the jam

I contacted my friend to help me with the voice acting

So there would be a tutorial,story,mechanics and communication

Although he told me he will do it and send him the scripts

He did not send me the clips i was asking 

Thou he sent me some unofficial clips 

But i did not use it because it is an unofficial clips so there are alot of background noise, etc.

And i dont want to use it because it is his voice and as i said there were issues about the unofficial clips he sent me

I dont want to use it publicly 

But thank you so much! I will work on it for a while