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This is such a cool puzzle game! I also love that there's actual VOICED story to prelude that. I think it would be even more interesting if we'd get a little more story updates every few levels or so, to let us know we're actually doing progress, or when new mechanics get introduced.

The level design is brilliant too. I haven't managed to finish all of them, but it's a game worth going back to. Some levels require a fair bit of finesse and patience from the player, and I can only imagine the brain power needed to construct them.

Kudos to everyone who contributed to this game. You have a full 5-star rating from me <3

Thanks so much for the lovely praise! Dialogue in the intermissions was orginally planned, but we ran up on time constraints unfortunately :(


Yeah that's fair. For the sake of the jam, the goal is reaching a working minimum after all, not the fluff, so you did an excellent job as it stands.