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I'm glad I came back to listen to this again and comment because even though I gave it very high marks it is still somehow even better than I remembered. I guess I thought I might be biased in favor of it because it is a trans story, but no - the music is also just good from beginning to end.

My main question is that Oil and Water wraps up very abruptly and I'm not sure if there's a reason for it. Other than that I just want Reflection to be longer and have more sections. It was so good, and different from anything I've heard in this jam, and I just want more.


We ran out of time! We started very late (Thursday) and submitted about 5 minutes before the final deadline.

Oil and Water was intended to be a “call and response” track between Roja and Cobalt, kinda like they’re having an argument and unable to see eye-to-eye, which eventually dissolves into chaos and anxiety when the Enemy attacks.

We really only had maybe a half hour to spend on it, though, so it ended up just being really frenetic, and stopping short at an odd number of measures was a quick way to give it even more tension.


Wow! So glad you got it in on time :)