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I found some time to play your game again and this time made it to the end :)

I think, regarding the direction, problematic are:
- the beginning (because you are starting opposite to where you need to go)
- the ship, because it looks like the crates were layed down for you to climb (the door is less visible and gets less attention)
- going down the ship (it's not obvious that you should go there) and further (a lot of empty space)

The climbing would be mostly ok if not those places where you can get stuck in. Some moments are a bit confusing (one or two jumps felt more like I'm brute-forcing the solution instead of finding a way), but still, the player sure knows, that he must go up, that's very intuitive. :)


AH! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS DETAILED FEEDBACK! I’ll work on those specific details whenever the contest ends. Yeah, after seeing some people play it come down to the hardest part to find a path was the beginning: The spawn location did not help much hahahaha. Again, thanks a lot!