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Flo - The puzzleView game page

A companionship between a robot and a flower.
Submitted by Part-time Maniac (@ParttimeManiac) — 25 minutes, 20 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 64 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game is about the companionship between a clueless robot and a mindful flower. The robot needs to carry the flower to a destination as her final mission. The robot can walk, but can't think. The flower can think, but can't walk. The flower gives the robot instructions, but only when the flower is exposed to light. There is a strong connection between the robot and the flower, as well as between the flower and light.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Really great, nice and polished, good puzzles, not super difficult. I think my only suggestion would be to make the restart system slightly faster - or if you want to keep the same timing to go with the feel of the game, make something happen between pressing R and having the level restart, could be anything... a blinky light on the robot perhaps? Anyway, one of my favorite puzzle games this jam!


Game looks amazing! Had some good puzzles and I felt the difficulty curve was perfect


Great polish, and a nice spin on the idea!


Really interesting concept ! Unfortunetly I am in azerty so I can't properly move, but I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the gameplay ! GG :D


Damn I can't do (what I think is) the last level! The WASD controls were a little iffy, the way I hold the keys down to move around is weird but such a unique mechanic though, really quickly understandable and seems like a lot of potential depth!


Very well polish, Nice light effect and fun to play!!


WOW what an amazing game! Im very impressed.

The idea is just very cool and when I got to the additional light source the game got even cooler. The graphics are soo beautiful and by the lighting system its very impressive that you had no glitches. We made also something with 2d-light so I know how cool it is to get such a perfect result.

The only thing is that there are only those couple levels and I would really like to play more of this.

The sound and music fit nicely in this game so everything creates this amazing and relaxing atmosphere.

All in all a game it was so cool to play and I wouldnt expect something like this in a 48 hour game jam more as a game on steam to purchase ^^

Developer (1 edit)

Just checked out your game, really spooky and atmospheric. The lighting and shadow in your game is just as good as mine, maybe even better in some aspects. Unity 2D shadow system is the worst thing I've ever used and its buggy implementation still haunt me in my dreams lol. If I have the chance to remake this game and publish it properly, I think I will switch to Godot. Their 2D lighting and shadow system looks so crisp and precise. Thanks for the feedback tho!


wonderful atmosphere. so emotional, deep insight and peaceful experience! High vote


Definitely a very original setup and a cool twist on the sort of "out of control" puzzles you normal find with ice puzzles and stuff.  The lighting was a cool way to handle interaction and there's definitely some interesting puzzles and chances for more interesting puzzles.

Though I do have to say the controls did  get a little frustrating, mostly with having to reset everything whenever I mispressed a key, and being locked to 4 directions with no diagonals (especially considering some of the shadow angles).

It all really became a problem on the final level where I ended up feeling like I was losing a lot more to the controls rather than the actual level.  Since I knew a few solutions, but everytime I tried to do them either I would just barely get out of the light and have to try again, or I would end up slightly pushing a box too far or not far enough and have to restart (trying to be unclear cause final level and spoilers etc.)

To be specific tho, and spoilers if anybody hasn't played and doesn't want the final level mentioned.  Pushing the battery from the top behind the door became a challenge because of the fact that I needed to either line it up with the box or push it against the wall.  Lining it up with the box at the bottom of the screen looked plausible because I could just push the box out from under it and circle around.  

Except the players hitbox was big enough to push both of them.  Leading to the only way for that to be viable to be for me to circle around trying to avoid the shadows to get on the other side.  Which posed it's own issues since walking on diagonals isn't possible and the shadow was a diagonal.  Leading a lot of attempts, and a lot of just barely hitting the shadows.

As for the option that seems to have been taken in the gif on the page, trying to get the left box onto the button worked but obviously that blocks the method of pushing the battery all the way along the bottom wall.  Which meant that, from what I could tell, the best option was still to find a way to push the battery against the box for leveling it with the light.

Someone else already suggested a rewind feature, which I definitely think would be quite useful.  I'd like to recommend some sort of more grid based movement for the puzzle pieces though.  Since getting the battery or boxes etc. just out of line led to a lot of issues.  

P.S. I did actually finish the final level, by cheesing it and just having the bot walk through the darkness over the button and into the final room.  I was really hoping to beat the level though.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for such a thoughtful feedback! 

Ice puzzles are usually constant: the player cannot change the placement of the ice. Even if the player can, it tends to feel pretty "rigid". The shadow system in my game gives the player much more freedom and the solution to a puzzle therefore become much harder to find. The game already has lots of potential with the current set of mechanics, and I still have a handful of toys that I left out due to the time constrain of the jam, so maybe I will implement some of them in the future.

The controls aren't a little frustrating, they are straight up ruining the fun of the game, now that I saw so many comments about them. When developing the game, I already knew the solution of the puzzles so I just pressed keys with lightning speed and didn't feel anything weird about them, so I learned a valuable lesson here. I didn't implement the diagonal movement because that will double the work needed to make a puzzle since there're double the normal amount of direction the robot can move, and I have to be even more careful while constructing a puzzle (which is time-consuming). I may implement it in the future as well.

You are right about the hitbox of the player, it will have been much better if I let it be a 1x1 square, rather than some wonky rectangular shape as it is right now.  

For the last room, of course you aren't supposed to cheese. I will try to cheese like how you described when I have the time, but for now, I have a full gameplay video so if you didn't watch it and still wanting to see the official way to beat the level, head over to the game's page. 

Once again, thank you for the thoughtful words!


i like the lil story you put into the game and the lighting mechanic is really original


loved the lighting and the puzzles, my main problem was the combination of slightly unclear shadows and how long it took to restart after you fail. Ended up feeling a bit frustrated but I love everything else about the game!


Original concept, but the lighting is the most impressive feature.


So good! REALLY impressed with the lighting. Added a lot of atmosphere to the game that made me have to stay and keep playing! Great job!


Awesome! It is a beautiful game, I loved the use of the light as a mechanic! The concept is so cute as well, I absolutely loved it!


Very cool! Probably my favorite so far. The art and presentation is beautiful and the gameplay and puzzles are solid. I really want to play more of it. If you added a few more levels, you can easily drop this on Steam for a few bucks. If you do, please let me know because I'll buy it! 


Thanks for the feedback! If this game end up on Steam I will gift everyone here a key :>

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really clever use of light and shadows for the mechanics, good job! Something that bothered me is that the alignment of the sprites with the colliders is a bit confusing because of the perspective.


Fantastic !
This is my favorite game so far !
The atmosphere is really nice, the art is good, and the idea is very interesting.
The puzzles you put through the game are ingenious, especially the crystal+battery combo.


This mechanic is really original! The art and overall aesthetics are very nice too


Glad you enjoyed it!!


Really cool game, very interesting mechanics with the lights!!


Thanks :>

Submitted (1 edit)

Very cool game ! I liked the art and the concept :D


Thank you!

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