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[Writer]Writer looking for projects to join

A topic by frenzisinfected created 14 days ago Views: 170 Replies: 3
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Good morning/afternoon/evening, itch community!

So... where do I start?

My name is Francesco, I'm 26yo (I'll turn 27 soon), and I've been writing short stories (horror/thriller mostly, but I also have a couple of ideas for love/adventure stories) and accumulating ideas for the last ten years.  I would really love to see one of these stories to become a VN/pixel game, so here I am. I've never worked to a videogame before, so I'll feel more comfortable to propose my ideas to an existing group, or to collaborate with someone experienced that could guide me.

I'm also available to join group of writers, and open to create new stories for your projects, if our interests match.

Paid or unpaid jobs, it doesn't matter to me. 

I'm italian, but I have a Cambridge Certificate (English Level B2), so I can easily translate my stories, or write them in english from scratch.

If you could be interested, send me a request on Discord.

Username: frenzisinfected

Thanks for passing by <3

hello! I could use your help with this game I've been working on .

My email is 

Hey! I'm working on a concept for a (possibly pixel style) top down rpg that is lore/interaction heavy if you're interested. My contact info is on my page if you'd like to hear more!


I'll send you a text on Discord in the following hours 😊